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It was a beautiful night in a casino the people were gambling and having a good time a figure was standing on the edge holding a gun

???:Here we go you both ready?

Two figures were dressed in long black cloaks one had as mask on while the other had sunglasses the first figure moved his finger back and forth with a confident smirk

The man then shot his gun the bullet whizzed past the both of them hitting a cable knocking down the chandelier causing multiple people to panic

??? 2:Great shot

The mysterious gunner then smirked and waved him goodbye

???:Good luck we'll definitely meet again

He then ran off while the second figure looked to his partner in crime

??? 2:Ya ready Joker?

Joker:Ready and willing Ace

??? 3:Honestly you got that nickname off of an anime character?

??? 4:Well I thought it was cool

Ace:Well at least one of you appreciates good shows

Joker then chuckled and ran across the objects as Ace followed him both of them smirked he saw the people running away

Guard:What?! Could it be the Phantom Thieves?

They then spotted Ace and Joker running across the ceiling

Guard:There! Let's get rid of them!

??? 5:Come on guys get running!

Ace:Shut it cat!

??? 6:This is our only chance

As Ace and Joker ran the jumped around and pulled off stunts

??? 5:All right the enemies are focused on Ace and Joker a perfect diversion

Multiple guards were now chasing after the two shooting at them while Ace and Joker kept dodging them and jumping around the chandeliers

The two thieves then ran towards a staircase and jumped over them

??? 6:Totally Skull would never come up with something like that

??? 7:Because he has no sense for aesthetics

Ace:Oh burn!!

Skull:Shut up Fox!

Ace:He got ya there bro

Skull:Oh come on Ace after I defended you like that?

Ace rolled his eyes under his sunglasses and kept on running

???:You guys can praise my marksmanship if you'd like

Ace:I said good shot earlier

The guards lost sight of them and tried looking around for the two

??? 8:Joker and Ace can you two hear me?

Ace:How can we not hear you with a earpiece in our ears?

??? 8:Don't get smart with me boy

Ace:You are not Kratos

??? 8:Anyways we'll recover the stolen treasure

Ace and Joker jumped over a chandelier and rolled so they would land on their knees Joker saw an air vent opened it and tossed the vent away and hurled it underneath it

Ace:Nice everything's going smoothly

Joker nodded and the two then kept running away

??? 5:If we do it now we can split up and get away

Skull:Run run! Yahoo!

Ace:Jesus Christ man not in my ear!!

??? 6:Where should we meet up?

Ace:Oh I know just the place

??? 9:No worries I'll navigate

Ace and Joker jumped onto the railings and looked back and forth

Ace:Hey Joker

Joker looked to Ace who smirked Joker widened his eyes and smirked

Joker:You really are dangerous ya know that? 

Ace shrugged and placed his hands on his hips

Ace:What can I say pal? It runs in my family


Ace looked to see the guards catching up to them with guns in their hand

Guard 2:There's nowhere for you to run!

Joker:See ya

Ace:Remember this day for it is the day you almost caught Captain Jack Ace!!!


Ace:You love them and you know it

Multiple groans from his earpiece could be heard as Ace and Joker jump out of the window shattering it completely with glass falling down with them as the moon shined down on the two

??? 6:There always so cool!

??? 5:Reckless I'd call it sheesh

Joker and Ace reopened their eyes and let themselves fall down to the ground safely on their knees as the glass fell down too

Ace:What a superhero landing

??? 6:No way this reading!

Ace:What's wrong-

Before Ace could fully ask his question lights were shown as he widened his eyes in surprise ambush huh?


Ace:Try and get us fuckers

Joker and Ace then ran off with the police in hot pursuit of them

Ace:Jeez these guys are a pain in the ass

Joker:You said it

The two then spotted a ladder and smirked


Joker then jumped up first then Ace followed the two then started climbing upward

Ace:Hasta lavista baby!!

The two thieves then kept climbing only to be met with more officers

Ace:Oh poop

The officer then hit Joker and Ace in the head with the stock of their guns forcing them to lose grip of the ladder and falling backwards into a swarm of officers as the officers restrained both Joker and Ace they tried to fight them off but more kept coming to pin them down

Cop 2:Stop struggling!!

The two then eventually gave up and admitted defeat as a agent walked up to them with a surprised look on his face

Agent:Didn't expect to find some kids

He then bent down and grabbed them by their hair

Ace:Hey hands off the hair fucker!!

Agent:You have your teammates to thank for this

Ace widened his eyes as he was forced to look up at the adult

Agent:The two of you were sold out

He slammed their heads onto the ground and walked away leaving Ace and Joker to think who sold them out until they were roughly pushed by the cops

Cop:Suspects confirmed cuff them

Handcuffs were placed on their wrists and were dragged away

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