A New Life

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Walking out of her flight, Brooke looked around for her uncle. She spotted him and waved. She gave him a hug and laughed as he told her what every relative tells you, That you've grown since they last saw you.

Brooke carried her luggage to the car and climbed in the back of the minnie van, next to her cousin Haddie. It was an hour to the house and the whole time Brooke chatted excitedly with her family. They told her all about their friends, school, and what room she would be staying in. Brooke made sure that a smile stayed on her face the entire trip.

Even though inside she was confused and distressed, she didn't want anyone else to have to deal with her troubles. She didn't want to burden anyone with her feelings. Not her friends, or family. The only one she felt she could confide in was Jesus.

He was her Lord and Savior. She knew that he was there for her. He was the only one who knew the true extent of the hurt she felt inside from losing her mom. She knew that her mom was able to worship God in heaven and she envied her mom greatly for that, but she also missed her. And the emotions of sadness and joy mixed confused her to a great extent.

Upon arriving to the house Brooke's sprites were lifted. She looked at the cows and the few horses and remembered all the times she had come to visit and all the memories she had at this place that was now her new permanent home. She remembered the little calves, Riding the horses, and playing with the new kittens every year. Brooks hadn't been able to visit for the past 2 years, and she had missed the old farm.

When Brooke walked into the house and to her new room she was surprised. They had taken the old guest room and had turned it into a spectacular room. They had repainted and redesigned something's so everything looked new.

After leaving her stuff in her new room to unpack later, Brooke walked to Haddie's room and knocked on the door. Haddie yelled "Come in." She was lying on her bed texting on her phone. Brooke plopped down next to her.

"So what are you guys planning on doing the rest of summer? We have 3 weeks left." She asked her older cousin.

"Well, James and I are going camping with the youth group tomorrow night if you want to come. It's a lot of fun." Haddie said. Her eyes were getting wider as she thought more and more about the idea of Brooke going with them.
"Plus, it would let you meet all my and James' friends. Plus tons of school people come, so you can meet them before school starts in September. Ok, now you NEED to come." Haddie pleaded with Brooke.
Brooke thought about it for a second. "Yea, I guess I can come. It seems like a lot of fun!"

Haddie smiled. "Ok, good. I was just about to force you." Brooke laughed with her older cousin. She jumped a bit when James suddenly opened the door.

"Hey, James!" Brooke said, excited. She was finally going to be able to make a new start. When she met all these new people, all they would only know that she was Haddie and James' cousin. Nothing more. Brooke kinda liked that idea.

"Sooo, what are you guys up to, Anything important? Cause dad and I were wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with us. Dad thought that you might want to go shopping for some new clothes and things for your room." He said looking at Brooke.

"Nothing that important. I'd love to go shopping. Just wait a minute. Let me get my wallet." Brooke said. She was surprised her 14 year-old cousin would volunteer to go shopping with them!

Later than night after putting everything away into her new room, and packing for the camping trip the next day, everyone went to bed. Brooke had put on a smile the whole day, but now that she was alone, she could feel the pain creeping back.

She prayed saying, "Dear Lord, Thank You for giving me and awesome family and friends. Please help me to remember that mom is rejoicing in heaven with you. Please don't let my heart grieve. Instead push it to rejoice. I love you Jesus. Amen."
Brooke than drifted off to sleep. Reassured that God was taking care of her on earth, and her mother in heaven.

(Authors Note)

Thanks for reading everyone! I'm sorry it took so long for this update. I know the story is boring right now, but if your willing to hang in there it will get much better in the coming chapters. The next chapter should be done in a couple days.
(Edit:6/2/15) Ok, so it's been 4 months. Oops... Let's say schools been busy and I kinda forgot about this story. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon. I can't promise on a certain time it will go up though... Sorry, for the long wait and procrastination on my part.)

(Edit 2: 8/16/15)
Ok, I'm serious now... The chapter should be up tomorrow.... I really am sorry for the wait. I'd love feedback in the comments!! Tell me how I can make the story better. I know it's just beginning, but tell me your thoughts on the book so far. Are the chapters too short? Are they too boring? What do you think is going to happen? Truthfully, I don't even know yet...

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