My only option

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She just walked and stopped when  she saw a green-like magic barrier in the form as the one she had seen demarcate the boy from her; she placed her hand in it; her hand went through not waiting for an invite or everyone to catch her and so did she;
As she entered; she saw a shining orb and she moved to the orb; when she heard voices, she hid behind some shrubs; she saw Queen Isabella enter and she move to sit on a chair that looked like throne; she raised her hand and magically the orb; was pulled towards her; she smile at it, it stood in the middle of the room.
‘Oh greatest Queen Isabella, you have done so well, how may I serve my mistress.’ She heard a voice coming from the glowing orb.
Isabella smiles mischievously.
‘Aristo, show me the destiny of Aidan.’
The orb widened and the pictures of crashing boats came into view, destroyed houses and then the ocean showed how mighty Isabella was but Aidan was on the ground gashing for his last breath.
Pearl placed a hand on her mouth. So the boy she saw was going to die; the one that said; he is the ocean?
Isabelle smiled again. ‘I will get the power I want, I will rule of the ocean and the earth.’ She said laughing hysterical.
Orb glowed and glowed that the sight was enough to blind her; Pearl heard Isabella screamed and then laughed hysterical like a mad woman; not wanting to watch a moment more; she turned and fled.
She bumped into the mermaid with glasses and forced a smile his way before stopping at her tracks and moved to him, before he could leave her side; ‘Wait, I need your help.’
He stopped. ‘It is Macko.’ He said his name.
In her head; she knew she doing the right thing. ‘Sorry Macko, where do I fine the orb of life.’
Whoa, where did that just come from?’
She was shocked; he didn’t say anything and rebuke her; he just waved his hand in the air collecting a small amount of water; he expanded it with his magical fingers and he widened the bubble enough to size her shape and pulled it over her.
She closed her eyes and opened her mouth to say something anything; but by the time; she opened her eyes; she wasn’t with the mermaid anymore; she was in a large place; filled with books; she didn’t know books existed in the ocean.
She had said she was looking for the orb of life; how would she know it when she sees it?
‘Orb of life?’
She was about to move but she found out she was struck; she couldn’t move her legs and then she looked down; the orb was underneath her; she bent down to touch it; it opened up and a young mermaid; turned to face her. ‘What is your wish, Pearl?’
She opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out; she had a lot of questions; about how this mermaid knew her name; she wasn’t a citizen of this place, about her dad, his relationship with this place; his aunt beginning in this place; but only one thing came to mind; the baby from the ship. If he was the ocean, he could stop Isabella.
‘I want to know how to help Aidan.’
She smiled. ‘You can’t help Aidan; it is not your destiny to help Aidan.’
Then she told her a story where she crowned it all up by saying;
‘The only thing that can be done is if your trust your heart.’
Her heart, she had learnt that the heart cannot be trusted; she can only make logical decisions with her head.
‘I need another other better advice.’
‘Trust Aidan.’ Was the only word she said before she disappeared and when she looked down; she was only staring at an empty soil; nothing but the mermaid standing beside her.
‘Is everything okay?’ he asked.
She stood up about to nod her head; she saw that boy passed and he was just glaring at her;
‘Before I go, thank you macko; but I have one quick question…’
He urge her to go on.
‘You didn’t ask me any question when I said I want to see the orb life; I just got here.’
He smiled; ‘You are last of Ariel’ descendant; even though you haven’t gotten a tail; you belong here; as much as you belong on earth. You have the right of roam the waters as you please.’
She nod; she understood. Then her mind went back to the boy she just saw.
Are you kidding me; right now? She said running after him.
She met him waiting for her; inside his magic balloon; she likes to call it.
‘I know the truth now.’ She told him.
He laughed; she had never actually seen him laugh, before….but it was cute.
‘What do you know?’
‘Then she told me everything.’
‘What do I do? I want to do back to my home, to my mom.’ She told him.
He scoffed. ‘You want to; it is too late for that.’
She argue with him on being unreasonable; then he thought how much wisdom he has and how long he had lived and he is not the type that becomes unreasonable. Then she watched him; carry his staff; basically he was reacting to what his orb was doing.
He was out of the ring and she followed; it was odd that she didn’t find any mermaid lucking around like they usually do; he got to a place and raised his staff and a circle was form; she followed him in;
‘Oh my god; her next sight greeted her; was the sight of her friends; in human form; placed in some kind of spell.
‘Are they dead?’
‘No, just asleep; but won't be for long unless I send them back to where they belong.’
She was dumfounded.
‘They won’t remember what happened here or how they got here but because of you, they will be saved. Go with them and go home; to your mother.’
‘But I saw….you.’
‘I make my own destiny; he didn’t mention how he had watched her for the past ten years.
‘Will I ever see you again?’
She asked when he begun to chant and cast his spell.
‘You are annoying but very cute and I like talking to you.’ She told him
He smiled.
‘You a direct descendant of Ariel; I sensed it; save your friends and go back home; Queen Isabella has plans which involves you and I won’t let her have any more innocent souls.’
She remembered her father’s spirit. ‘My dad’s spirit?’
‘I will free him as soon as you leave; you will see a yellow dust in the sky; it means he is free.’
‘I am not going to leave without you.’ He has served Isabella for a long time and imprisoned by the ocean; he needed to explore more that life had to give him; he was human anyway.
He had to finish this with Isabella forever. ‘Let’s do this, whatever happens down here; if I die; I will send you a sea shell, I will place it on your window, to say goodbye; If I don’t die and I am still remain down here; I will wait for you at your favorite place at shore.’
She moved close to him. ‘How about you don’t die. Heroes never dies. Just …..Don’t die.’
He smiled. ‘I will try.’
She tilted and gave him a smack on his lips before she escaped into the closing circle.
He smiled; he had done well with Pearl; it now he takes his destiny into his own hands.

She had woken up in her bed; she didn’t know how but; it looks like Aidan had taken them days back when her mother was in her room resting after watching movies together.
She saw the waves; went on endless; the atmosphere was too cold; even though they lived far from the ocean; she could hear the waves go on endlessly; but she couldn’t sleep; then finally she fell asleep at 3;00am, knowing the next day; her mother suggested they were going to the doctor; for her checkup; which she knew what exactly she was going to talk about; what the doctor was going to tell her; but she agreed to go anyway; anything to make her mother feel better and comfortable.
By the time, they got back; since she had live this day; she was going to go to her favorite spot by the ocean to read; so she used the opportunity; to look for a sign that Aidan was okay; anything;
Having walked tirelessly, round the ocean; she was about to give up when she saw a body to very far from her; she actually ran to it and she got to the body faced to the ground; she turned him to face up and then she gasped; more happy than she had ever been since she has been here; Aidan was lying down, not moving; almost lifeless but in a human form; not a tail but pure long legs barefooted.
He was back but unconscious.
She searched for pulse in his wrist and she put her hand under his nose but he wasn’t breathing; she had thought about doing resuscitation but he had lived in the water for a long time; he didn’t exactly drown; maybe he did when he was a child but……
She pulled her hair back; her mother would know what to do in this situations. She searched her pockets for her cell phone but no cellphone; she didn’t bring it, because there was no network.
What if he was dead? Okay, she was going to try everything; she placed her hand on his chest and pumped his heart; about to press when she stopped; did he even have a heart; he wasn’t breathing.
Pearl; all living beings has a heart; she sighed; she wasn’t sure what to do; she had the body of the ocean lying on his back; unconscious, almost dead. Maybe doing whatever she can to pump air back into his system or go long two miles to her house to get her mother and she hated running.
She picked the first option; she didn’t want to kill him, before he had the chance he lived.
‘What are you so seriously thinking about?’
She jolted back, falling to the ground. Was he mad?
She sat up and hit his shoulder softly; ‘Are you out of your mind? I thought you were dead.’
‘If you do not get me a doctor in thirty minutes, I might as well be.’ He said his eyes closing and opening; like he was trying to fight it.
As much as she would like to listen to his voice just sitting there; she wouldn’t want him to die.
‘Can you hold on, for an hour?’
‘Pearl, look up.’
She looked up and saw the yellow dust, before it finally disappeared in the sky. Her eyes clouded with tears and looked at him.
‘Thank you but please, hold on.’
He looked at her and forced a smile; before he nod and his eyes drift close.
She pat him and stood up and started towards the house; running not jogging.

She was with him at the hospital, told her mother; they should help him that he has nowhere to go and she agreed without question.
She wasn’t shocked he couldn’t walk; so they brought him a wheelchair and she taught him, how to walk, read and engage in other things.
When she went back school; he took classes to get degree, Aidan had told her Isabella had been sting into nothing else…just Whoof! Disappeared. She didn’t know why that gave her Goosebumps, but she was fine; he was fine and living a normal life.
Hey, define normal life; fairytales, magic or reality; she had define her own normal was to live the way she could be; it be princess or just the real thing; it was her normal and for Aidan.
She is his normal life.

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