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Requested - nosequehacer7

More terraforming... I'll never see the end of it.
I have been trying to perfect (island name) since I became resident representative a few months ago, but today I've been trying extra hard.

I just feel like I'm not doing my job as a resident representative enough, like I'm slacking. I guess most nights I spend in my house, dreaming of what my island COULD be like, instead of actually trying to fix this mess that I call (island name).

Not long after my weird montage of mourning, I get up from small flower field I just finished putting together and start working again, gathering materials to craft various ironwood shit.
After about another four hours of perfecting (Island name), I pass out from exhaustion.

Drifting off to sleep with my ugly ass sleep paralysis demon, Luna, I dream of yet another vision of how my island could look like. It's a cafe this time, even has the same color scheme as (island name).
Every time I dream of how (island name) could be like, different residents appear. Guess this is telling me that none of my friends will stay. They don't care about this Island. They don't care about me.

Before I could cry in my sleep, something wakes me up. Someone shaking me. Marshal shaking me.
Confusion on my face, I spoke, "Huh..."
"Oh, you're awake! I saw you passed out near the half-finished cutting board, so I kinda figured you passed out from exhaustion, sulky."
"That's... Exactly what happened. You must be physic."
"Oh I'm not physic, I just have good intuition!"
We both started laughing, I laughed more since what happened reminded me of a scene from one of my favorite video games.

"Ooh.. haaa.. ha.. Anyway, what happened? Surely you couldn't have passed out from a single cutting board?"
"Look around you, Marshal."
"Oh wow," He looked around him, seeing everything I managed to build today.
"You did a lot. You really need to slow down and take a break."
"Oh no, I'm alright Marshal! I already took one just now." I got up started walking to resident services.

But Marshal stopped me by grabbing my wrist. "Don't go there again yet."
I complied and stood there waiting for him to speak again.
"How about you stay a night at my house, sulky?" Marshal asked with the slightest blush spread across his face.
I nodded
"Great! I'll see you later tonight. Don't go off building the empire state building while I'm making popcorn, okay?"
I giggled a bit, "I won't. Thank you, Marshal."

I went back home, to pass the time.
I decided to reread my favorite manga for the sixth time this month. It's a tradition at this point.
Listen, Dissolving Classroom slaps okay?
It didn't take long before I was done reading it though, seen as I read it so often, I became faster at reading it.
Now, what should I do? Pondering, I decided I should just see what my neighbors are up to.

Maddie was busy watering the flowers I planted near her house, I decided to talk to her.
"Hey, Maddie! Are you enjoying those flowers?"
"I sure am! Did you plant them, Y/N?"
"Yip. Red hyacinths sure are pretty, aren't they?"
"Oh yes yes. You always add the finest and prettiest details to this island, may I ask why? OH!!! ARE YOU GOING TO TURN THIS ISLAND INTO A CONCERT STAGE? IM SO EXCITED!!!!
I sweat a bit, too scared to tell this poor soul that there will be no concert stage on (Island name).
"Uhuh... Yeah... I sure am."

"It's getting late, I should go."
"See you later, Yipee!"
I waved Maddie a goodbye and walked over to Marshal's house, knocking in a rhythm I made up so that he knows it's me knocking.
"Come in!" He yelled from inside.
Realizing he left the door unlocked, I walked in and looked for him.
He was sitting on a couch watching some slice of life anime with a hotpink-haired dude who looked pissed.
"What's up with that guy?"
"Who?" Marshal asked me
"That one." I said as I pointed to the guy.

"Oh, that's just-"
"Lollipop head." I cut him off accidentally
"He has lollipops on his head, can't you see?"
Marshal bursts out laughing, almost ending on the floor.
"Those aren't lollipops, they're antennas."
"Antennas? Is he an alien?"
"No- well, sort of, I guess?"
"Is he an alien or not Marshal?"
"He's not. But he does have weird abilities."
"Like what?"
"He's physic."
"Just like you, Marshal!" I giggled
"As I said, it's just good intuition, sulky."

"Anyway, wanna watch?"
I curled up on the couch next to marshal, slowly dropping my head on his shoulders.
It got quite uncomfortable since he's so short, so I got into a different position.
"Why'd you get up?"
"It wasn't comfortable."
"Oh... alright"
After a few episodes of this disastrous show, I got a bit tired.
As I was beginning to drift off, Marshal tugged my sweater.
"Hey, Y/N?"
"Can I lay in your lap?"
We both blushed a bit at that, but neither of us didn't mind.
"Sure, Marshal."
And with that, I passed out for the second time today. The only difference being that Marshal was in my lap and that I'm really relaxed.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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