• Chapter 3 •

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Third Person's POV

When Oliver woke up it was because he was being tased. He was sitting on a wooden chair and his hands were zip-tied behind it. Quickly he took in his surroundings.

The masked men were there and Tommy and Rory were both laying on a mat on the ground, unconscious. Seeing not only his best friend, but his daughter in these conditions fuelled his anger towards these masked kidnappers. They crossed a line bringing the people he loved into this.

The masked men started by asking questions about what Robert had told Oliver before he died. Oliver stalled as he worked on freeing his hands from the binds they were in, but every time he wouldn't answer or would answer like a smart-ass they would tase him.

Soon enough, without telling them anything, Oliver got free and managed to kill two of the masked men, the last one running away.

Oliver chased after them, only stopping to check the pulse of both Tommy and Rory. Once confirming that they were both alive, Oliver continued the chase.

Tommy, on the other hand, was just waking up. He groggily opened his eyes and after a few moments, looked around and took in his surroundings.

They were in a very large empty space, but Tommy didn't see any of the masked men or even Oliver. What he did see, however, was his niece unconscious on the ground next to him.

Tommy quickly moved so he was on his knees next to her and he checked her pulse, letting out an audible sigh of relief when he felt one.

"Rory, wake up. Wake up. Come on, wake up." Tommy spoke, shaking her gently. Rory was disorientated when she first opened her eyes, but managed to focus on the man in front of her.

"Uncle Tommy?" She questioned and he flashed her a relieved smile. "Hey, half-pint. How are you feeling? Are you okay?" Tommy questioned.

"I'm a little dazed, but other than that, I feel fine." She answered and he nodded. "Good." He responded and pulled her body to his, hugging her.

He didn't know what had happened or what was currently happening, but he did know he was very thankful that the young girl was all right.

That's when Oliver came running back into the space. Tommy and Rory looked up at him. "Dad!" Rory exclaimed as she and Tommy stood up.

Oliver scooped his daughter into his arms as soon as he reached her. "Rory. Are you okay, kiddo? Are you hurt?" He questioned and Rory shook her head. "I'm fine, Daddy."

Oliver kept the girl in his arms as Tommy turned to him. "Where were you? What happened?"


Oliver, Tommy, and Rory were back at the Queen Mansion and the police were coming over to take their statements, find out what happened.

Rory believed what her dad had told her and Tommy: that a man in a green hood with a bow and arrow had saved them, and that Oliver had chased the man to see what was going on after being freed by him.

I mean, it did sound a little far-fetched, but Rory believed him. There was no reason for her dad not to tell the truth and she trusted that he wouldn't lie to her.

When the police showed up, one person was in front of the rest, rushing to get to them. It was Detective Quentin Lance, Rory's granddad.

"Rory, oh thank God. Are you okay? Were you harmed?" Quentin questioned the young girl, who shook her head. "I'm fine, Granddad." She answered.

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