Ch 30 ~ More Time

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"Ada, there must be someth-"

"Enough, Legolas, do not make more trouble of it than needed."

The voices of the King and his son echo into the hall as I rush into the throne room, offering a quick word of thanks to Varissë. The two royals seem to have been arguing, but they quickly fall silent in my presence. I spare a glance at the pale-haired Prince, my heart betraying a pale blush to color my cheeks when the hardened glare for his father softens into a something tender at the sight of me. Tearing my gaze from Legolas, I will the heat in my cheeks to fade as I solely focus my attention on the King on the throne before me.

"King Thranduil," I say coolly, halting at the dais of the throne, my chin lifted. "I understand that my brothers have returned to Rivendell. If you have news of my mother, I ask that you do not withhold it from me as they have for a month now."

He raises an eyebrow, no doubt at my lack of courtesy, but provides no further comment on it. A letter dangles between his fingers, Rivendell's symbol of the seven-pointed star visibly stamped onto the broken seal.

The King follows the insistent gaze I fix upon the opened letter in his hand, the corner of his mouth twitching upward into a smirk.

"Dismiss your worry, Lady Celebríel," he drawls lazily, crossing one leg over the other as he lounges on his throne. "The Lady Celebrían has been returned, safe and well."

Relief floods my body. My shoulders droop, the weight I have been carrying for months now lifted, and I let out a sigh I feel as if I've been holding in ever since my brothers had left. Closing my eyes, I softly mutter a quick prayer of gratitude to the Valar, a relieved smile wide on my lips. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my reaction render a small smile from Legolas as he stands facing his father at my side.

Fixing my gaze back on King Thranduil, I set my mouth into a firm line though my eyes still spark with joy. "Well, there's nothing more to it. My mother awaits. I make for Rivendell in the morning."

I turn to leave but a light reprimand from the King halts me in my steps. "Tsk tsk, have patience, Lady Celebríel."

Twisting back around to face him, I cross my arms, an impatient scowl on my face as I tap my fingers against my forearm.

"Forgive me if I seek to leave quickly," I grind out, the quick moment of my unbridled joy fading as annoyance overtakes it, pricking the corners of my mind. "But as enjoyable as my stay here has been, I've lingered long enough. I must return to my family at once."

King Thranduil's calm facade does not waver.

"Be that as it may," he muses, an eyebrow raised, "your family does not necessarily share your urgency... as your father has ordered you to remain here."

All the annoyance vanishes from my mind as the blood in my veins goes cold. My hands drop to my sides.


The ground on which I stand seems to have disappeared from beneath my feet as my mind spirals.

This can't be happening.

Despite the turmoil now evident on my face, the cool composure of the King's gaze does not shift.

"Lord Elrond does not feel it safe for his daughter to be travelling such a great distance on her own. He has requested that you remain here, as we had previously agreed, until he can arrange for you to return." His cold eyes meet mine. "I have no objection."

I see Legolas grimace out of the corner of my eye.

Glaring at the King, my mind still reeling as my temper spikes beneath my skin, I manage to growl, "You mean to tell me that after five months of endless worry and sorrow, my mother has come home, and I am forbidden to go to her?"

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