Chapter 2

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My first day of college went as expected. I took notes, so many notes that my hand cramped halfway through, and my planner is full, ready for the beginning of my adult life. I can now make my own choices, carve my own path into this new place, and prove to myself that I am responsible enough to be out on my own in the grown-up world.

By the time I get back to my room, the sun has taken it's hiding spot behind the trees and the wind has picked up a slight chill. I wrap my arms around myself, rubbing at my skin in an attempt to keep warm. I should have thought this through, I should have packed a heavier jacket. All of my obsessive calculations for the day have failed in one simple way.

The wind picks up again, whipping my long blond hair around my head and I walk faster to my room. Briefly the thought comes to mind that if I didn't change rooms, I would already be inside the warm halls, probably already showered and have my clothes and books laid out for tomorrow.

The streets aren't as full as I had assumed they would be. A cluster of laughing girls are walking in front of me, glancing back every few minutes. I notice one of them eyeing my outfit and laughing with her friends.

I would never want to be that girl.

I would hate to make myself happy by saying terrible things about others. As judgmental as I was raised to be, I would never purposely say nasty things about people just to fit in with others. Her friends, followers, as far as I can tell in the dimming light, join in and stare at me, adding their small comments as they continue to walk. Their hateful words are lost in the wind and I'm glad when they turn the corner to walk to another building.

A gentle ringing goes off inside of my bag and reach for the buzzing phone. My screen freezes when I try to answer Noah's call and I groan in frustration as I step onto the road at the intersection. The sound of a car horn blowing makes me jump back and drop my phone onto the concrete in front of me. A white car, classic looking, with loud music rolling out of the rolled down windows, screeches to a halt.

"Watch it!" A male's voice calls from the window and I think I see a flash of pink hair blowing in the wind as I quickly apologize and reach for my phone. The screen is cracked in the corner but it will do. I need to  spend my money on getting myself a car so I don't have to walk around the campus as the seasons change from fall to winter.

Melissa is sitting on her bed, her legs crossed underneath her hair is tied up on top of her head like a cone. My bed is covered in clothes, unfolded and tossed across the bedspread.

"Oh! Sorry, I was going through my closet and got distracted. I'll clean those right up," she jumps to her feet and gathers the clothes into her arms, dropping a few pieces in her haste.

"It's fine. I'll help." I put my bag on the desk and bend down to help her. Yesterday her side of the room was spotless, her clothes organized, what happened?

Her brown eyes are so sharp, her long lashes touch the top of her curved cheekbones. She's stunning in an exotic looking way, she surely could be a model.

She folds a pair of leggings and looks over at me. "Do you have any plans tonight? My brother is coming by in a little while, I hope you don't mind. It's just that his best friend is getting out of jail tonight and-"

"Jail?" I can't help but interrupt her.

She laughs quietly, "Yeah, nothing too serious or anything. It was a small charge, I think." Her eyes meet mine and I can't tell if she's joking or not.

"If you aren't okay with my brother coming by, that's okay." Her smile is honest but I'm still a little thrown off by the whole, His friend just got out of jail, thing.

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