11. Criminal Craves

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Previously (Toni's POV): I walked into the bathroom, turning on the light and grabbing a tissue. I turned around and Cheryl was right in front of me. The door was now shut. I was a little startled but I just wiped her tears. I put the tissue down and we started into each other's eyes, almost silently asking each other if it was alright. We both then leaned in for the kiss but before our lips could meet each other's we both flinched back away from each other as Betty opened the door yelling "Turn off the light you shitheads!"


During lunch Jughead has instructed all serpents to arrive at the meeting room for an last minute meeting.
"Thank you all for attending. Now, as most of you know last night one of our own and a close relative were taken by the Ghoulies. I wanted to state that we will be taking action against this, although I want it to follow out in a respectful manner seeing as multiple Ghoulies have now joined us" Jughead stated and a cheer from the former Ghoulies erupted
"Personally, I don't speak for us all but after hearing your speech against her I realised she treated us like shit! We can take her down! Who's with me?" A former Ghoulie announced with roars from every single one of the former Ghoulies in response.
"Alright then, we meet at the Wyrm to discuss our plans at 7." Jughead replied, walking out after. Sweetpea, Fangs and I followed him out.
"Jug, are you sure about this?" I asked
"Why wouldn't he be Tiny? After all Betty is supportive and involved quite a lot. Remember they also took Cheryl." Sweetpea responded with a "Yeah" from Jughead. I remembered Penny making Cheryl feel like nobody loved her, and even burning her skin. I thought now it was actually for the best that Betty came in and interrupted, it probably would've hurt her face.
"Well all I'm saying is we need to be cautious. The Ghoulies are unpredictable and could kidnap any one of us at any time." I said, reviving nods from the boys.

Betty's POV:
After a tiring cheer practise I received a text from Jughead reading:

Hey Betts, we're planning some stuff for later with the serpents. Can you be at the Wyrm at 7 tonight? You could bring Cheryl too.

Yeah I'll be there. I'll also call Cheryl and ask her.

Alright, see you later. Love you.

Love you too.

I wondered what Jughead would be planning, it could be to hire more bartenders. He had talked about how Toni and 2 other serpents were the only ones he had. My train of thoughts was interrupted by the sudden remembrance to call Cheryl. So I picked up the phone and did so.

"Hey Cheryl"
"Cousin Betty! You did above average in cheer today."
"That's one hell of a compliment coming from you but that's not why I'm calling."
"Oh alright. Well, continue."
"So Jughead's planning something with the Serpents and I think it might involve you because he said I could bring you."
"Wow I'm so honoured to be invited to come along to the almighty Jughead's serpent meeting"
"Yeah alright I get your sarcasm, you coming or not?"
"Well I am intrigued if it includes me.. why not?"
"Great. I'll pick you up at 6:45"
"No way, I'll pick you up. See you."
"Alright fine. See you."

I wondered why Cheryl had accepted the invitation so easily. Her relationship with Jughead wasn't the best, it was like a constant sibling rivalry. But the day of Cheryl's suicide attempt Jughead showed he cared, and Cheryl appreciated him being there. Of course after that it went back to their normal fights and disagreements. But this was beside the point.

6:45 PM

A honk of a car horn was heard outside followed by a "Get in cousin!"
"I'm coming, geez" I stumbled out the door. I got into the red convertible and asked "Why'd you come so easily?"
"Any chance to get away from my mother I'll take, I also don't want them taking shit about me." Cheryl replied. I decided to take the answer as the truth, I wondered if she had wanted to see Toni after what I caught them attempting last night.

Toni's POV:
"Alright, so I've got the basics but I'll just wait for Betty to arrive so she can help me figure out a bit and I'll get back to you all. In the meantime, if you have any ideas or important information come and tell me." Jughead announced as Betty walked in the door, Cheryl following behind. I walked over and said hello, both returning the gesture. Jughead gestured for Betty to come over and as Cheryl was about halfway through her journey following Betty they started arguing. It was probably Betty disagreeing with Jughead's plan but whatever it was Cheryl decided to come over to me instead.
"You got any idea what this plan is?" Cheryl asked
"Yeah, it's wild." I replied
"Do tell." She said
"Alright, but it may change after." I gave in "we're basically planning a surprise attack on the Ghoulies, but really it's just a distraction to get the cops over to find proof so they can arrest Penny for dealing drugs, blackmailing, murdering, deceiving, etcetera." I stated
"That's not bad. I could call Kevin's dad to make sure he comes at the right time." Cheryl responded
"Yeah, that's actually why Jughead wanted to get you involved. Fangs was going to ask him but he didn't want to seem like he was using him." I said
"Oh so I'm allowed to use Kevin huh?" She asked
"No.. we just thought that since you're best friends you would get them on our si-"
"Chill Topaz I'm just messing with you. I'm sure he'll be fine with it, and I'm glad that you're doing this. It'll give the Northsiders a better view on the Southside." Cheryl interrupted, lightly hitting my shoulder.
"Oh. Well thank you!" I replied
"Ayo Tiny, Red. What's up?" Sweetpea came over
"Sweetpea, yeah?" Cheryl said
"Yeah. You're Cheryl." Sweetpea responded
"Yup. Look, I don't know your views of me but I'm here to help alright." Cheryl stated
"No hard feelings Red. We appreciate your help." Sweetpea replied and Cheryl smiled. As he walked off Jughead finally got up on a table to announce the plan.

"Alright everyone listen up!" Jughead tapped a glass. "Betty and I have revised the plan. We will not fight them. Only if they charge at us, we will originally surprise them and get into a petty Southside ownership verbal battle. Once Penny is getting somewhat distracted Cheryl will hopefully.." Jughead looked over at Cheryl and she nodded "Okay will definitely, call the Sheriff's son Kevin and inform the Sheriff of our location and we will have her caught. Cheryl, remember to tell them to keep the sirens off because they might flee." Jughead announced. Cheryl began calling Kevin and informed him of what was about to go down in a couple of minutes. She gave a thumbs up signal and Jughead began talking again. "Alright, Me, Betty, Sweetpea, Fangs, Cheryl and Toni will be at the front in pairs on 3 bikes. Everyone else pair up, grab a bike and follow along." Jughead stated. At first Cheryl was hesitant to jump on the bike again, but then I reminded her of the revenge we were getting on them.

im too lazy to write a whole ass scene like that so now let's just say the cops are coming

"Police, we have a warrant." Sheriff Keller began searching.
"Alright well you aren't going to find-" Penny was interrupted by the Sheriff finding kilos upon kilos of Jingle Jangle and Fizzle Rocks.
"You have the right to remain silent" Sheriff Keller said, placing the handcuffs around Penny's wrist. They began to search other Ghoulies and the ones with possession of drugs had the same process.
We had done it. The Ghoulies were gone.

"Cheryl." I said, opening her car door for her
"Yes Toni?" She replied
"How about that photography lesson, the offer is still standing." I said
"Sure. Text me the details later Cha-cha" she responded
"Bye!" I waved
"Toodles!" She waved back, as Betty entered the car and she rolled her eyes at something she had said.

A/N: Yup this is the worst chapter. Worse then the party one. I'll think of some better ideas, I have way better ones planned for future chapters.

Faked Rivalry (Choni)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon