三十二 ❁

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It had been three weeks since our conversation that day and every day since, Akitaru made it his mission to visit me after his shift and when he was off, he would spend the whole day either discussing his plans for his future company and the process he was in. Considering that he was so close to beginning his company, I was excited to see where his company would go.

"So, have you recruited any crewmen or crew woman?" I asked turning my attention towards him to see he was sitting on the bedside looking back at me.

"I did, he is or was a Seargent in the Armed Forces and he helped me with an incident back in 195," Akitaru said, "But he is the only person I recruited, he and I will be working on the cathedral the empire gave us."

He scratched the back of his head a bit embarrassed causing me to giggle at him.

"If you weren't already in the Fire Force, I would have asked you to be a part of my company," he said with a slight blush present on his face.

I smiled at that sweet gesture. At least someone would have given me a shot in their force and not prevent me from joining because of traditions or my gender. I glanced out the window once again and it was the same as before, the sun was setting and night would fall. Today would be my last sunset to see behind these hospital walls.

"That's sweet and thank you, but I am pretty sure you can recruit others?' I questioned.

"Eh..." Akitaru said as a bit of sweat rolled down his face causing me to look at him quizzically, "You see gathering people who I know I can trust has been a pretty difficult task."

I chuckled softly as he began scratching the back of his head out of embarrassment. It was just too cute to see him so embarrassed about this.

"Oh, and you trust me already?" I asked.

"W-well," Akitaru began, "I don't just want any recruit, I want people who share similar ideals like me and want to obtain the same goal as mine."

"I don't blame you," I commented, "I think that is the basis of a good team in a company and if the company has the same mission it becomes the heart of the company. The heart should never change."

Akitaru looked at me a bit intrigued at the words I was saying.

"For most companies besides the seventh, you would be following the Tokyo Empire's away of doing things and will be offering prayers and a dignified end. For the living, you seek deliverance from the flames. There's one thing every company should value above all else: Life. " I said.

Akitaru nodded and immediately perked up at something.

"Oh!" Akitaru exclaimed as he reached down to pick up an assortment of flowers, sunflowers mostly. I remember in my garden back in Asakusa, I had grown sunflowers around my best friend's ashes because of her personality. Like her, they were bright and cheery, and as warm and inviting as the sweet summer sun. With brilliant yellow petals that reflected the rays of the golden sun.

"Thank you, Akitaru," I said smiling as I took is flowers from his grasp only to feel his hand grasp my arm as he looked into my eyes. He was studying and trying to find something but I couldn't tell. It had only been about a month since we knew each other and yet his eyes kind of reminded me of the look Benimaru would give me back when I confessed to him my feelings, "Akitaru?"

The moment I said that he retracted his hand and turned his head to the side.

"Sorry," he mumbled

Though he tried to turn his face away from me, I noticed the expected look of hurt and anger that flashed across his eyes before I could no longer read him.

"I don't know why you are, these are my favorite flowers and hopefully I can repay you once I leave the hospital...but it may take some time because I do need to rebuild my strength." I replied.

"W-well, if you like, I can help you," Akitaru offered.

"U-um that won't be necessary," I stammered, "You have a new company to focus on and new recruits to scout-you simply shouldn't add me into your schedule."

"But I want to help you," Akitaru exclaimed.

Now it was my turn to feel the heat rising on my face and my ears getting warm. I just couldn't take the fact that he was doing so much for me since the bus incident and I honestly liked it. I just wish Benimaru had treated me like this-giving me a chance to join the Brigade as well as be loving-that is the type of love that I wanted from him not the one that shielded me away and prevented me from following my dreams because of his fear of me getting hurt.

"O-okay," I stammered out as Akitaru smiled a bit at that.

"This is what growth is like...Why couldn't you see that Benimaru..."

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