A bedtime story...

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Let me tell You a bedtime story
Not meant for the faint of heart...
It is a story of good versus evil
Light versus darkness
Redemption versus loss...

There once lived a lone brave bird
Whose heart was filled
With his past's darkness
Yet his eyes searched for the slightest sign of light...

He found it by sheer nod from his fate
In the most unlikely of heroines
In the most delicate bird filled with light
The likes of which he never even dared to hope for...

Though they both tried to fight
What their hearts felt for one another,
The light he found in her
Pulled at the darkness in him she wasn't afraid of...

They battled storms,
Wrongdoers' treachery,
Failed promises,
And their own demons because of their fears...

But in the end they came out as victors
They conquered all haters and all darkness inside...
They held their own because they were together
As beloveds, as husband and wife...

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