Greetings - 1

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On October 1, 1989, 43 children were born unexpectedly to women who had not shown signs of pregnancy before hand. Sir Reginald Hargreeves adopted 8 of these children, and had told the public that it was to save the world. Though only 7 of his adopted children knew of each other. Number 8 wasn't a child that he could show off to anyone...

The 8 Hargreeves children are all grown up now and have taken their own respective paths. Each their own story, and disconnected from each other. No one lives in the Hargreeves manor anymore, but that soon changes when their "beloved" father passes away. Sir Reginald Hargreeves passed away on March 21, 2019. This brings back all 8 of the children that he had adopted.

The news of their father had spread to each of them respectively, and they all met back at the Hargreeves manor soon enough. Luther, Number 1, was the first one to arrive. He had been sent into space by Sir Reginald and had finally come back down to Earth to remember his father. Luther was closest of the siblings to their father. Allison, Number 3, had arrived next. She was a famous actress, someone who the world adored. Then came Diego, Number 2, one of the biggest rogues of the family- literally. He would try and fight crime alongside the local police, and had continued the heroic act even after leaving the family "business". Vanya, Number 7, had arrived after Diego. Greeting everyone and being embarrassed to boot because she had revealed the family secrets in a book she had wrote. She was ordinary, and loved playing the violin. Klaus, Number 4, had come next. The path he chose was most definitely a rough one, but very care free. He's an addict to both drugs and alcohol. 
The five of them sat in their living room, respecting the peace and quiet while remembering the bad memories that came from their pasts. The house was a bad reminder for each one of them as they were harshly trained as the Umbrella Academy to fight crime with their super abilities. Though Vanya was the ordinary one and had it a little easier than the rest- she still had her own difficulties in life. One by one, they start to get up out of their seats. Before anyone could leave the room, a new face enters. Diego starts the encounter,
"And who are you?"
This new face reveals a female, looking about the same age as all of them. Though her hair was red and she had millions of freckles on her face: it was clear she wasn't from around the region. She smiles a little and replies softly, but sternly,
"I am your guys' sister..."
None of them could believe it, especially since their father had just died. Even if they didn't care much about him, how could they believe this girl that they had never seen before? Luther speaks up,
"How could you possibly be our sister? Dad only adopted 7 kids."
"Well, I am his special little secret... I guess. He didn't want me to be known by any of the Umbrella Academy until the time was right. Which was now, considering he contacted me the day before he passed."
She hands Luther her phone, showing an email from 'Reginald Hargreeves' stating,
'Dear Number 8,
The only reason I am reaching out to you is that I know about the upcoming events, and the Umbrella Academy needs to come together again. Come home immediately and greet them.
Sincerely, Reginald Hargreeves'
Luther had read it out loud, so all the other siblings could hear the message. Number 8 takes her phone back,
"Though we all know he was quite old school, he still was able to send an email or two to keep up with advancing technology." 
Allison takes this in quickly and finally gives in,
"Alright, if you're our sibling then why did dad want to hide you from us?"
Most of the other siblings nod in agreement and confusion,
"Well, dad had wanted my powers to be a secret, otherwise he was sure that at least one of you would manipulate me in some way. The public is what he was mainly worried about."
Diego pitches in,
"So what is this power of yours then?"
"It's precognition. Which means I can see glimpses of the future. Most instances only last at most 30 seconds, but that's a lot of time to be able to see events."
Klaus races his hand a little and butts into the conversation from where he was sitting on one of the pristine couches, 
"Prove it to us then, what future events will happen?"
Number 8 looks at him and squints her eyes a little and then goes back to normal to then say,
"Well, it's something that just happens randomly. It's not like I can just say 'What's tomorrows weather gonna be like?' and then just know it." She shrugs.
Most of the siblings look disappointed and then after a moment of silence, Vanya asks her name,
"So, if our father called you Number 8, do you even have a name?"
Number 8 smiles and nods,
"Well of course I do, it's not like I can just waltz around town saying my name is a number. It's Noel. I had been thinking about what to call myself after dad didn't need me anymore."

Though the family meeting was short lived, everyone was able to meet Noel after so many years of seclusion. One by one, they each leave the room until one person is left to sulk on the couches of their fancy living room- Diego. Pogo, the Hargreeves "butler" of sorts walks into the living room, greeting the silent Hargreeves sibling. Pogo is an ape, but he was able to be taught how to talk and be sophisticated enough to work for Sir Reginald. Diego didn't speak to Pogo.
Events further develop as the family finally decides to dump Sir Reginald's ashes out in their backyard. Next to the 6th siblings memorial statue. The weather is gloomy as could be, raining. All of the siblings carry black umbrellas, resembling the symbol of their entire family history. Luther opts to pour the ashes, as he believes he is the leader of the group, being Number 1- the ashes immediately drop straight down onto the grass without wind. 

Everyone leaves the backyard as the funeral really hadn't turned out like they thought it would. Ashes were dropped, Klaus dropped his cigarette in them, and a few of the siblings got into a fight. Each of the siblings separate throughout the house, other than Noel. She stands alone in the back, expecting a vision of hers to come true. Which, not soon after, a blue portal appears in the air. Noel, not scared at all, standing underneath it. All of the siblings come running outside at the unexpecting waling sounds of the portal. A white light flashes over and over again in the backyard, at a non-specific pattern. Until, every sibling is outside, and an old man appears on the other side of the portal. Noel, smiling underneath it says, 
"Time to welcome Number 5!"
She moves out of the way, nearby the line of the other siblings close to the back door. Everyone looks at her in a confusing manner, and then back at the old man in the portal for confirmation. The last time they saw Number 5 was when he talked back to their father at the dinner table, and then ran away. To everyone's surprise, the old man slowly turns back into a 13 year old child who looks like the Number 5 that they knew on that day he ran away. He falls to the ground from the portal and all the waling slowly fades away. The lights disappear, and the blue portal blinks out of existence. Klaus walks forward towards the boy and asks to no one in particular,
"Is it just me, or is that little Number 5?"
Number 5 plows his way through the family bundle, and makes his way into the house. All of the siblings follow him in. They make their way to the kitchen of the household and Number 5 immediately starts making his signature peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich. He starts to ask questions,
"What's the date? Exact date."
Noel pitches in before anyone else could answer,
"March 24, 2019"
Number 5 stops making his sandwich for a second and then stares at Noel, then back at his sandwich.
"Good. Guess I missed the funeral, huh."
He finishes making his sandwich and then takes a bite, and then stares at Noel once again,
"And who are you?"
Noel smiles, but then Luther butts into the conversation, seeking answers,
"5, you were gone for 17 years. Are we going to talk about this?"
Number 5 looks at Luther and forgets about the Noel situation while snapping at him,
"It's been a whole lot longer than that."
All of the siblings looks surprised and then Number 5 reiterates, 
"It's been 45 years. I warped into the apocalypse, what luck, right? He was right all along, teleportation is different then travelling through time."
Diego continues the conversation,
"I don't get it."
"Of course you don't. Your brain couldn't comprehend time travel." Diego goes to try and fight 5, but Luther holds him back.
Number 5 finishes off his sandwich and leads the remaining family into the living room once again. Though most filter off to their own respective paths. Number 5 talks to Vanya about her book,
"Very risky, revealing the family secrets. I ended up reading it when I warped to the future."
Vanya smiles a bit and continues the conversation,
"I think I deserve to write something about our wacky family, considering the way dad treated all of us. It should be out in the world eventually."
Number 5 smiles at her and then realizes Noel is in the living room with them. He turns towards her and asks the same question again,
"You didn't answer me before, who are you?"
Noel smiles at Number 5 and answers him sincerely,
"I am your sibling, Number 8, also known as Noel. Our father didn't introduce me to you guys."
Number 5 considers it for a second and then realizes something,
"Your power, is that why he didn't tell us?"
Noel nods and then doesn't get questioned any further. Though Number 5 had been left all alone for 45 years, he can still respect someone's privacy.

The 8 children meet up, like Sir Reginald Hargreeves had wanted. He knew about the impending doom that would shadow their future. The Umbrella Academy had come together once again to stop evil, even if their group was tattered and broken. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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