Crashing Down

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I watched as my perfect world was torn apart. I saw the farms I had made being crushed, the movie halls and houses being knocked over and the offices and malls being reduced to rubble. I saw my beautiful creation being turned to dust and all I could say was ,"Hey!" My younger sister, a mere toddler of two years looked up at me with wide, innocent eyes.

 I could almost believe she hadn't broken down my toy city on purpose. Almost. My sister blinked at me and smiled. An evil smile. she lifted her hand and knocked over the last building standing, a school. I couldn't help it anymore, seeing my perfectly planned city fallen. I slapped my sister just as my mother came in.

Hi, my name is Ann. I usually just read but this idea has being nagging at me for years(even though I don't have a sibling...hmm)so I decided to write it down. I don't really know exactly how writing and Wattpad in general works, so id love it if you would help me out. please tell me how I can improve and what you thought of this! Its VERRRRRRY short, I know  but this is all I could think of:)


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