Chapter 1

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Song name: Natural, Imagine Dragons

~In which Y/n and his two friends attend school~

An alarm cut through the welcomed silence. It was small, yet still naggy.

A sigh was heard as a white haired male sat up in his bed, massaging the bridge of his nose wearily. Though the morning was bright, to the newly awoken male it was still dark as he refused to open his tired eyes, insisting on lingering in the calm black void just a little while longer.

Sadly the need for sight prevailed yet again, and he reluctantly opened his red eyes.

Colors flooded into his vision, momentarily blinding him with their vibrant brightness. Giving himself some time to adjust he sat on his bed for a few minutes before leaving the comfort of his bed.

The albino male stood, rolling his shoulders and neck, only stopping when he heard a satisfying crack. He cracked his back as well to complete it all.

Now feeling a bit more awake he lazily put on his school uniform and left his room in a search for the kitchen, where he proceeded to make a bitter pitch black coffee.

Having done that and a few other routines, such as brushing his teeth, feeding his pets, "fixing" his hair, etc., he gathered his things.

After looking at the time he harshly grabbed his bag as if it personally insulted him and threw open his door and made a beeline to the side of the house where his bike was.

Taking said bike he set off with little hesitation. Speeding along while gaining a few surprised shouts of protests to his reckless driving(which he ignored) he slowed down about three fourths of the way through, knowing very well what would happen if he didn't.

"Y/n! Over here!" Shouted a familiar voice. Supressing the urge to ignore it and continue he skidded to a stop alongside a waiting brunette.

"Morning Y/n!" Ran said, with an expectant smile on her face. Realizing what she wanted he gave a grunt in recognition. "Morning unicorn." Y/n said with little enthusiasm.

Though when Ran looked a bit closer she noticed how his eyes had softened ever so slightly as he said it. She smiled a bit wider at this. 'He's a hopeless case my foot, you just have to pay attention a bit more.'

Though when his words were fully processed her smile faltered a bit. 'I know my hair sticks up a bit, but-' "Is it really that bad?" She asked in an exasperated tone.

Y/n stopped pushing his bike and leaned over to his left, towering over her. He examined her hair closely, taking his time. After a few minutes he squatted down a bit, so he was eye to eye with Ran. With a deadpan expression he just looked at her and gave a curt "Yes. You're just a short unicorn."

A tick mark formed on Ran's head. "I'm not a unicorn damnit!" She said, raising her voice slightly. "And I'm not that short!" Y/n just gave a quiet "mhmm" as he stood up to his full height and the corners of his lips twitched upwards ever so slightly.

Ran stopped at this and sighed, giving up. "So where do you think Shinichi is?" She inquired. Y/n nodded his head towards the right, where they saw Shinichi a few meters away to their right with his face buried in a newspaper, quietly giggling to himself.

Ran sighed and gave Y/n a pleading look. Understanding what she meant he huffed and took some quick steps to the right, before easily picking up Shinichi, who gave a surprised shout, nearly losing his newspaper, and throwing the caught sleuth over his right shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

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