Explanation AN thingy

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•I dont own detective Conan or Magic Kaito ok?
Wish i did but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

•If i use a picture I'll state clearly if its mine or not

•And dont worry if i put in a song on top it wont be necessary for the story so you arent obligated to listen to it. (plus ive been told my music taste is both inconsistent and horrible so there) And I'll also say the name of the song and the author/band (least if i know it tho).

•Also im saying it again to be clear, this is and xreader or reader insert (call it what you will)
Youll understand later on why im repeating the obvious
Also you cant choose your looks in this one
Srry ig

The sole reason for this was that i had the idea with a certain image in my head
And then i drew it
And then it stuck

So tho it might seem like an oc story at times ill still leave stuff up to you guys dont worry so im still calling it an xreader

•Another point id like to make is that when writing this im taking the plot of both animes, taking about 70% of it, and deforming it beyond recognition

So if at some point you go, "wait that didnt happen..-"

Its because it didn't

Or if you think, "Who's that?"

Chances are they didn't exist in either animes


Just as a heads up

{Welp, i think thats about all the key points i wanted to highlight since theyre kinda important somewhat
You can skip the rest if you want to its mostly just warnings}

Will contain the following subjects:

(If you do not like the following topics please dont stay and complain but rather find a different story that suits you better. Though im fine with constructive criticism i really dont want to deal with people that just complain the whole way through)

Yaoi (boyxboy)
I think it goes without explanation-

I wont be beating around the bush at violence
If i feel like describing it in detail i sure as heck will

Another thing i won't beat around the bush with
The reader's personally is.. A bit rough to say the least so you can expect a good amount of foul language

I haven't exactly decided on including smut or lemons tbh
I guess if the situation should call for it, im in the mood, or if anyone reading this (in my imagination) wants it ill including it somewhere

Also my humor is fücked-

And that should be all the important stuff for the warnings
So now im just going to include the standard key thats in practically all xreaders in case theres something you dont know

If you know the drill now you can definitely skip ahead ok?

Here goes-

Y/n: your name

L/n: last name

M/n: mother's name

F/n: father's name

F/c: favorite color

S/f/c: second favorite color

H/p: Home place

((not harry potter) country,town,city,etc. Doesn't matter which one tbh)

F/f: favorite food

F/d: favorite drink

(not fav díck..... Unless thats somehow your favorite drink.. In that case continue-)

Honestly that should cover most of it (if theres something else ill add it later-

To Thaw The Heart                  (Detective Conan & Magic Kaito x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora