Camp Ravenport - Chapter 5 (Profectionem)

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December 27th, 2543 (18:41 Hours – Military Calendar)

Sol System, Earth

Orbital Defense Platform "Nassau Station", In geosynchronous orbit above the Caribbean Sea

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Earth looked unimaginably different from orbit. Space offered an entirely new perspective on viewing the big blue and green globe so many called home. It all looked like an artist's masterpiece amidst a starry canvas. Duncan never had the chance to see it like this before since this was his first-time off world.

He sat on the lip of one of the large windows encircling Nassau Station's waiting room. Like himself, the 161 other graduates of Class 207 mulled about in their crisp ceremonial uniforms. A sea of white caps and pants, black jackets and boots washed around the main floor as men and women talked with friends and shared laughs over memories of training. It was a sobering sight, especially thanks to the clock mounted to the far wall displaying a countdown to the graduation ceremony. Only 1 and a half hours remained before the big show. To add to that, Unit Selection was about to take place.

But Duncan didn't care about all that. He hadn't even stayed with his team who were probably mingling with the others. Something drew him away to the window on the upper level alone. He had been staring out at the islands of the Caribbean and the tip of Florida for twenty minutes straight. It wasn't the beautiful scenery that captured him, however. Rather, it was a deep and undeniable sixth sense that told him to take in as much of the sight of Earth as he could, because he wouldn't be seeing it for a long time.

Footsteps came up behind him. In the window's faint reflection, he saw O'Reilly standing beside him looking worried.

"Are you good, lad?"

Duncan hadn't realized the face he was making until O'Reilly pointed it out. He looked tired, as if he had just fought a battle. Truth be told he had within himself. It was the final duel between what he knew he was leaving behind here and what he knew he would be heading into; one life sacrificed for another. The image of Noah in Erica's womb went through his mind again, as well as the promise made in their apartment.

Ironclad resolve won out. Duncan took a deep breath and exhaled. His frame straightened and his face glowed with a renewed confidence.

"Yeah." He said, giving his friend an honest smile. "I'm good. You?"

O'Reilly huffed with satisfaction at seeing his demeanor change. "Good to go. I can't believe Dalton had us suit up a whole four hours before the bloody ceremony. I mean, we look great but these things are tight." He tugged at his stiff collar for emphasis.

"Amen to that." Duncan sighed. He looked again through the window. "Hey, you should be able to see Ireland in about an hour from here by the way."

"Nah, I'm good." O'Reilly said vehemently.

"Why, you don't want to see your own home before you leave?"

"Remember those stories I told you back in First Selection?"

Duncan thought it over and nodded.

"Well." O'Reilly said. "All of that was in Ireland, in my hometown alone. And I'd rather not give them the faintest chance of making an attempt on my life before the Covenant do."

Duncan looked at him sideways. "Riley...we're in space."

O'Reilly laughed. "Yeah, I thought I was safe when I was far away too. But keep in mind Sunny Jim that you're always the most vulnerable where you think you're the safest. My exes taught me that one and now I'm teaching it to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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