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"Is this another lie?!"

"When have I ever lied to you, miko?"

"On various occasions, quite frankly," the priestess huffed. "Must I use specifics?"


"Make sure they meet. Make sure they stay together. Only then, shall she find her other half."


"This is my family. My wife, Kikyo," - Kagome visibly grimaced at the name, - " my oldest son Illumi. My second oldest Milluki. My successor and 3rd oldest son Killua. Lastly, my fourth born son Kalluto."


Kagome turned and started to walk away. But she made sure that Killua heard her last statement. "Cause I don't date kids."


The miko sent a quick glare toward the brat before asking a serious question. "What are you going to do about your family?"

"I'll kill them and get the bounty off their heads."

The miko walked back to him and slung an arm over his shoulder. She brought him in for a tight hug. "Don't worry. I'll be right there."

Killua's Lover is coming soon most likely in 2021 when 2020's bullsh¡t is over

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