Chapter sixteen

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April 26, 1918

The warm April sun is shining through the windows of the Governor's House. The snow has begun to melt and the people in Tobolsk have started to wear thinner clothes. Birds have returned to the sky, as well as beautiful swans in the river. Squirrels can sometimes be spotted jumping between the branches on the trees out in the yard. The winter depression is fading and the Russian people are out on the streets again, smiling and having small talks. The ice has melted and the boat is once again connecting the city to the mainland, making it easier for both revolutionaries and royalists to get access to the city. But the Siberians in Tobolsk are surprisingly loving towards their ex-imperial family. Curious eyes daily try to get glimpses of the family through the fence, or through the windows from the buildings next to the Governor's House. And when they happily get to visit the church downtown, the people radar up besides them, still treating Nicholas like the czar and emperor he once was.

It's been a year now since Milo, Theo, Ella and Ophelia traveled in time. A year since they appeared in the Alexander Palace and got to know the family. They often wonder if their families back home have given up searching for them. Or did they just stop existing and no one remembers them? Are they advertised for all over the UK? Maybe they will never know, they haven't even been remotely close to finding a solution to their problems. As much as they would love to return home, they have too adjusted to life in Tobolsk together with the Romanovs. And if they ever leave Russia, they will miss them dearly.

Ophelia walks into the dining room with some bread in a small basket, butter and honey. The Romanov family sits around the table eating breakfast. Alexei is still in bed, and his absence during the past weeks have brought down the mood for everyone. Ophelia puts down the bread on the table and gives Nicholas a smile. He answers with a smile back. Theo stands next to the door with Ivan, guarding their every move.

"Thank you, Ophelia." Nicholas says and takes a piece of bread.

She nods with a smile on her lips and walks over to the window to stand by in case they need her again. Ophelia is not the typical woman to follow society's gender norms, but after seeing how the bolsheviks treat opponents, she's backed off into society's boxes. After the revolution, women have gotten the right to vote, but the female rights are still very limited.

"Father, would you like to go for a walk with me and Jimmy today?" Anastasia asks.

"Of course, darling." Nicholas smiles and takes a bite of his bread.

"Nicky, you should take a cup of tea with me and the girls later." Alexandra takes her husband's hand.

"I can't join you, I promised Alexei to play bezique with him and read him a story." Olga sighs and takes a full spoon of porridge into her mouth.

Suddenly, the commandant walks in with a letter in his hand. As the doors loudly open to the dining room, it feels as if a curtain has closed over a stage. The room goes quiet as they look on Kobylinsky. The talking voices die out, and all that can be heard is breathing. Theo and Ivan straighten their backs and listen to every word coming out from his mouth. Ophelia hides behind a drawer in the corner.

"Nicholas Alexandrovich, you and your family will be moved today. It's no longer safe to stay here in Tobolsk. Pack your things, you're leaving tonight." The commandant reads from the note in his hand.

"You can't move us! My son is sick!" Nicholas stands up.

Alexandra takes Maria's hand and looks at her daughters.

"Then you will have to go alone."

Nicholas knows that fighting back is useless. Making resistance will only cause them more trouble than necessary. But his biggest fear has always been to be separated from his family - his beloved wife, brave son and smart daughters. They've always been by his side, and as long as it stays that way they will be okay.

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