First ten facts

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I dedicated this to the one who tagged me and the one who asked me to introduce myself more. xD 

Fact #1:

My first name is common, yet many people mispelled it as Conception.

You can find my whole name on the cover of one of my works here in Wattpad. Anyone who says my name out aloud for the first time has a hard time, even my friends and some of my teachers until now. -.-  I hope someone out there can read it clearly and without correctly.

(Please tell me, my dearest reader, if you can pronounce it well and easily. xD How about you? Do they mispell or mispronounce yours?)


I am a person with disability or PWD. *pondering* Should I post a story about a PWD's life? Do you think it's interesting? (^.^)v Half of me's hoping you would NOT encourage me to post it, though I appreciate encouragement very much. 


Selfie photos this year and last year: more than a thousand

Selfie posted on FB this year 2015: 0/ zero

Sorry. I'm selfish to share it to the public. It s because of my relatives, when I just post a nice picture, they think I'm rich. Hello!? I'm not working or I don't have a job or a business so I don't own money. All money I got are from my parent's work.

(You should be glad, readers, because I updated my photos here in Wattpad only. ^^v)


I have a smiley I made by myself, and it is the one I use often as my favorite.


If that smiley becomes popular, warn me! LOL! I might panic, thinking about papparazzi stalking me. So never use my smiley, ever. KIDDING! There might be already someone who used this smiley before year 2013. I thought it up in that year.


I love to learn the languages of English, French, Italian, British, and many more! Blasphemy doesn't count, so no swearing or cussing, please? The reason why I love to do it is because I want friends from everywhere.


Fickle. One word that describes me the best. That's why I'm uncertain of my goals but I'm sure I have big dreams, alive inside of me. I've been an unfriendly emo for one school year, a bookworm for howmanyyears, an active leader, a loner, a goody, a social butterfly for short time, a religious lady, etce etcetera... Lot of things learned but this year, sshh -keep this as our secret- I am a lazy one who's not making great effort in boring studies that are boring for me... unlike last year of my high school life. :(  :) I'm using my Wattpad friend's support. You CAN encourage me, too, to study well! It can help me keep up my spirit while studying. :"}


Gosh... so many facts still needed to type. OK. Let's get this finished! I started my college life at the age of 16/ sixteen.


  I don't like to say I drink softdrinks though I do. I just don't like soft drinks. I eat vegetables, meat, grains and fruits. I wanna be a vegetarian to slim down but my family loves to cook. I can't say no to them because they cook tasty food. My parents fight over how to cook a meal but in the end, they get along well again because of the delicious meal they both made.


I have a cousin who is jailed in out of my country. I wonder how he is now. Hope he has real reflection on what he has done, so that he won't repeat the abusive act towards elders.

You have people whom you love but... Do you love them even when they get old, changed a lot in appearance, or abilities weakened?


I do dance because I'm good at dancing (that's what people say). I like singing but I'm not a good singer or so-so. I didn't attend any of the two concerts of Taylor Swift in my country but I was able to have a souvenir of her concert. Thanks to an ice cream contest that we won, we got a big white and red bag with a grayscale picture of cool Taylor Swift printed on it, then we have her 1989 DLX album from my family's friend! :D

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