Zuko (part 5)

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"Wait we're under what? AGAIN!" i scream cause i definitely wasn't prepared to fight a banished prince right now. "Yes Y/N and he wants the Avatar so since he doesn't know that Aang is avatar too, he's gonna go for you Y/N." Sokka said. "And as much as i dislike you Aang, take cover, it will be helpful if Zuko doesn't know that we have two avatars." Sokka said.

And so we did. Aang changed into Sokka's water tribe's clothes. Me and Sokka ran out, to see Zuko in a ship coming towards us.  I grabbed a few weapons and so did Sokka. Then the ship crashed into the same spot it did before and the gates crashed onto the floor loudly. Zuko came out and started at us a few seconds, before Sokka ran towards Zuko and Zuko easily pushing him away and Sokka falling onto the floor. I whipped some water and tried throwing it at Zuko, but my waterbending was really bad and i only managed to get a little water to Zuko but he just shot a giant fireball and water soonly disappeared.

We fought for a little, mostly him throwing fireballs and me dogging them. But one time i dogged the fireball it flew into the house. The house started falling apart in flames and a little boy and a girl barley ran out of it.

That's when i decided

That i'm going with Zuko

To keep everyone else safe.

"STOP IT."  "i'll go with you, just stop please" i said, knowing that this decision is going to change my life forever.

"No. Y/N what are you doing" Sokka and Katara practically scream at me. I just  turned around, gave them a weak smile and a nod as the soldiers dragged me onto the ship.

They took me on the ship and locked me in.
I knew that if i used the avatar state i could escape but the only problem is that i don't know how to go into the avatar state. Then i heard the door open and looked up.


"Let me go"

"No." he unlocked the door of my 'prison' and stepped in, locking the door after himself.

"You are the avatar." he said.

"Yea no shit sherlock" i said and he rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you escape. Sure there may be no water or earth but here's air and you can make fire. So why don't you escape?"

I didn't know how to respond and i had to think of an answer quick. I tried to think about something that would distract him or make him uncomfortable and the only thing i could think of is flirting.

I stood up with a huge smirk on my face and walked over him.

"Well sweetheart what would you like to now" i said and gazed into his eyes. He gazed back for a second and it felt like the whole world just stopped. I don't know for how long were we gazing into each others eyes but it could be hours. Then Zuko realised what he was doing and looked away his cheeks flushed pink and honestly he looked really adorable. Then he put on an angry face but his cheeks were still bright pink it was funny how much he tried to hide it.

"Don't call me that" he almost screamed at me.

"Sure honey" i replied and my smirk even widened.

"Can you stop already!" Zuko screamed.

Zuko seemed infuriated and face slapped himself and walked out, his cheeks still bright pink. I laughed to myself and he locked the door behind him.

Then someone else slowly opened the door.

Zuko's uncle

I don't know his name, but i heard he loves tea a lot.

"Hello, avatar" he said and tilted his head slightly, asking me for my name. "Y/N" i said. "i brought you some food" he said. "But i came here like 2 minutes ago. I'm not hungry and i definitely wouldn't eat food from someone who just kidnapped me" i said. He looked at the ground and said "Excuse my nephew Zuko, he had a tough past" he explained. "That isn't an excuse for anything. I had rough past, my friends had rough past, everyone here had rough past!" "I know, i know. I would love to help you but i can't betray my nephew like that, but i'm pretty sure your friends will be here any second. " he said and winked at me. Then he turned around started walking towards the exit and said "And 3,2,1" all the lights started glowing and a siren started, then i heard prince Zuko's voice. "Everyone we're under attack avatar's friends are here"

I smiled and tried to escape but it was useless, there was no water around me and i don't know how to bend other elements. Suddenly the door opened. An arrow peaked out of the door. I smiled "Hi Aang" Aang came in with a huge smile on his face. "Y/N you're alright" "Yeah, i am Aang. Prince Zuko was very lovely." i said and Aang just looked at me kinda confused. He airbended the door away and we ran out of the cell. Aang airbended the guards away and we went on the top of the ship. There was Zuko, fighting Sokka and Katara, Aang quickly sent Zuko a few meters away from them, before he could hurt them. "Y/N you're alright!" Katara and Sokka practically screamed at me. Everyone hopped on Appa and i was about to jump on him too, but Zuko fired a fireball at me. "Well that was not very nice of you" i screamed at Zuko. I jumped on Appa and we started flying away. "Hey sweetheart don't be too sad when i'm gone. I'm sure you'll see me soon" i said and sent a kiss towards Zuko. He blushed and looked to the ground and Iroh started laughing.

Sokka, Katara and Aang just stared at me for a while. "What? Is there something on my face?" i asked. "Y/N why did you call Zuko a sweetheart! And sent a kiss to him?" Sokka asked. "He also told me that he's lovely" Aang added. "Y/N are you dating Zuko?" Katara asked. I just started laughing "No i'm not guys, he was just asking me how was i an avatar, but  didn't bend myself out. And i didn't knew how to respond to that question, but i didn't want him to know that Aang is an avatar too, so i started flirting with him." i said. "But you don't feel anything towards him, do you?" Sokka asked. "No i don't. You all just need to relax a little." i said and leaned back, laying on Appa. "Relax? How do you want us to relax? You've been taken away by fire nation and now you're just acting like it's no big deal? Y/N we were sick worried for you" Katara said. "Okay i'm sorry, but i'm aso pretty sure that you need to get used to it now" i said. "Yes i know. I'm just glad you're okay"

A/N: Well that's all for this chapter. Thank you all so much, 900 of you already reads this, i can't believe it. Thank you all so much and i hope you enjoyed this pure cringe. Also i realised that maybe i need to stop being so obsessed with Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds because i'm basically becoming him... Anyway see ya soon💖

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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