How it all started

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Hi, my names Sam I guess I'll tell just tell you little bit about myself. I was born and "raised" in Michigan. I haven't always had the most friends, the coolest new toy, or the best new clothes. My real mother was only 13 when she had me so even know she attempted raising me on her own she failed quickly due to the man who got her pregnant, my father running out on her. I was taken from her and given to a foster family. Now I live in a cheap run down apartment with my "parents" who don't care about me. It's cold in the winter, hot in summer because we don't have heating or cooling in our apartment. I go to school every day, sit in the same boring classroom not paying attention to anything but just day dreaming about better days. At school there a couple different groups of people. There's the jocks and cheerleaders, the stupid sluts and man whores, the posers, the nerds, and the goth/scene/skater kids. This was my group. I was the "freak" the "fag" I wore skinny pants, eyeliner, nail polish, and hoodies. I died my hair which to the world makes me automatically gay I guess. Now why do I do this? Well when people ask or when people try to defend me to the dicks who make fun of me the reason is i'm expressing myself in the way I look. And I say hell with it sure I'll go with that. Now the real reason is because I'm trying to hide. Trying to hide in multiple way and forms. I'm trying to hide me and how I look, I'm trying to hide my inner dark self from the rest world, and I'm trying to hide the sadness that weighs on my day after day. I go to school get bullied come home get yelled at and hurt by my "parents" sit in my room not doing homework but texting my few friends I have, and argue with my enemy. My enemy, God I hate him! He's lives by me, he goes to same school as me, the same church. He seams to be everywhere you don't him to be. He's always bullying me putting me down. Pointing out my imperfections. Hell instantly deny any compliment someone gives me and convince me of other wise. My enemy is the reason I am who I am and he needs to go. I need to kill him.

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