[AustinCarlile] Burning Brighter Than The Fire [Sequel|LiveForever]

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Every Anchor’s Devon Pierce: Through Hell and Back

Written by Jeremy Riles

Interview taken by Jeremy Riles

If you haven't heard of the band Every Anchor by now then you definitely don't have a good music taste like you claim you do. With two albums out and close to millions of copies sold, the five-piece band has made a name for themselves.

AP: Devon Pierce, singer of Every Anchor, it’s awesome to be able to interview you.

Devon: [laughing] Thank you. I'm pretty excited for an interview with the Jeremy.

AP: How exactly did Every Anchor start?

Devon: I knew Nate from my brother since I was really young. I would always sing in the car and sing around the house. Nate was always good at guitar, even when he was little. So, when we were in high school, Nate met Ant and TJ, and I met Liam. One day we were all at a concert, it was a Senses Fail concert, and we were like, “We can do that. We can be in a band and play music like this.” And the next day, we all went to TJ’s house and just started covering songs.

AP: What songs did you guys cover?

Devon: This is so embarrassing. I made them learn Lita Ford songs. “Kiss Me Deadly” was a popular one to cover. We covered a lot of old rock and roll songs, like Guns ‘N’ Roses and Rush. It was so long ago, that’s how old I am, that I can’t even remember. We covered My Chemical Romance a lot.

AP: You’re not that old. How old are you?

Devon: Well, I’ve never been asked this in an interview. Um, I'm twenty five.

AP: You’re not that old then. You’re actually pretty young when we look at your fan base.

Devon: My fans aren’t old. [laughing] They’re in their teens and some of them are in their early twenties; the ones that come to the concerts are anyway.

AP: Your concerts are pretty awesome. What do you think you do differently than other bands that make it worthwhile?

Devon: I don’t know, really. We take time to talk during our set. I'm not going to place songs and not tell people that I’ve been there and I know that life gets better. Music has the ability to save lives, and I want people to know that it’s done that for me and it’s saved the guys’ lives, too. I'm there as an entertainer, but I'm also there to perform with my family for the people I would consider my family.

AP: You pride yourself on the fact that you try to make your fans a part of your family, don’t you?

Devon: I'm not the only one who does that. It’s not like that makes me unique. I know that music became my family and if my music can become someone’s family then I’ll take pride in what I do.

AP: How is your family?

Devon: They’re good.

AP: Your friends raised a lot of money for your brother. How is he doing?

Devon: He’s doing well. He’s really happy and he’s really motivated. It’s nice to see him really enjoying life.

AP: You didn’t seem too happy with the way Austin told you. Did you want him to raise all of the money? Were you mad?

[AustinCarlile] Burning Brighter Than The Fire [Sequel|LiveForever]Where stories live. Discover now