Chapter Seven

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Hey there guys! Welcome back to 'Dark and Light'! I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to update, seeing as I already have up to chapter 15 already written, but NaNoWriMo has been... Crazy, to say the least. I somehow managed to get to 50,000 words on the 13th, although I hadn't written for 6 days previously. So, technically, I could've won on the 7th. Meh. Oh well! I had to wait until yesterday to validate and become an official winner, anyway.

More good news! I am editing chapter four of 'All The Right Reasons'! It's long overdue, I know. Sorry guys.

MORE GOOD NEWS! I am (very, very slowly) writing chapter 4 of 'Dearest Enemy', my Hunger Games AU. Woo!

EVEN MORE DAMN FUCKING GOOD NEWS! I'm starting a The Vampire Diaries fanfiction based around my second favourite character EVER... KLAUS! So, Damon is my favourite, and then Klaus. You all got that. We already (kind of) know Damon, so my skills of writing Klaus well will be really tested. It will be fun! At the moment, I'm sort of pantsing it all out (pantsing: verb. To write by the seat of ones pants/to write without  a plan. Origins: NaNoWriMo) so bear with me. I'll be putting it up over on my FanFiction page, because PRIORITIES (not that I don't love it here, because I do, and I've been on FF for longer [since, like, 2009. January 2009] and I have more fans there :3 As you do, like) and you guys can also go and check up over there and review maybe? You don't even need an account to review over there! Just drop me a line on one of my stories? Link will be in the side if I can figure out how to work it LOL.

So yeah... Insanely long A/N over. I'm glad to be back over here! Don't forget to VOMMENT and fan!



Chapter Seven

Location: The Detention Centre

"At I stopped and stared at Andrew Colton. I never showed emotion, never, and right now I could feel the horror flowing through my veins and probably appearing on my face.

"What? Two days? How could this... What?" I spluttered at my lawyer. The pity remained on his face, and he consulted his files, which were still spread out in front of us.

"Yes, I am afraid that your trial will be at nine o'clock in the morning on the thirteenth of August. You will be bought straight from the Detention Centre to the Court building and then, from there, to the Island. No stops, no dallying. It'll be over before you know it, and then you won't have to worry about it anymore." he told me, as though this was exactly what I wanted to hear.

I gaped at him for a moment or two. "What do you mean, 'won't have to worry about it anymore'?" I asked loudly, disgusted at his words. "Of COURSE I'm going to worry about it after that! You think the Island will just be a breeze, and I'll make friends there like at school and we'll all get along and it'll be fine?! If you think that, then you obviously know nothing about what happens there. Some people don't come back, have your other lawyer friends told you that?"

"Calm down," he said, trying to placating me, as though I was just a child throwing a silly tantrum over nothing. "I'll be there nearly every step of the way. I understand all that you have told me about the Island, but there is every chance that we can get you a reduced sentence."

That made me pause for a second, a little of my anger dissipating. "A reduced sentence? What sort of timespan am I looking at at the moment, then?" Maybe it was just morbid curiosity, but I felt like I just had to know.

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