Cuddles (Gaius X Reader)

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"Gaius! Where are you?" I yelled out, trying to find my lover.
Currently he was hiding because I have been really cuddly lately. I love to cuddle with him, and he does too, its just that it started scaring him now apparently. I want to cuddle with him all the time which made him want to hide from me for at least an hour.
"Hmm..." I tried thinking of something that would make him come out from hiding. "Hey, Gaius!" I remembered I got him a big bag of coconut brittle. "If you come out to cuddle, I will give you this whole bag of coconut brittle to eat while we cuddle!" I yelled.
By now the whole camp was looking at me like I was crazy. They only thought I was crazy because I was trying to bribe my lover with candy just so we can cuddle. Sure enough though, my plan worked.
"You promise to give me the whole bag while we cuddle?" He came up behind me and put one arm around my waist, while the other snatched the bag.
"Yep!" I was happy he came out from hiding, and I turned around quick and hugged him hard. "I love you!" I heard some people in camp giggling, and they stopped watching us so we would be left alone.
"I love you too sugar, but you're kinda killing me right now." He tried to pry me off.
"I'm sorry..." I let to of him and pouted.
He tussled my hair, and then turned around. "Come on."
"What?..." I tilted my head in confusion.
He turned his head towards me and looked at me with an 'are you serious' look. "You wanted to cuddle? Remember?"
"Oh... Oh! Yeah I did!" I jumped up and quickly ran up to him. "I'm sorry... I can't remember things very well..."
"It's alright." He put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. "Lets go cuddle and I can eat my coconut brittle." He held the bag up a little.
"Yay!" I beamed.
Once we got to my tent he sat down on the cot and opened his arms wide, bag still in hand. "Come here sugar."
I jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his torso, and this made heat rise to his cheeks. To try and take his mind off of it, he reached into the bag and pulled out some coconut brittle to put in his mouth. After he did, I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into his chest to give him a tight hug. I could feel and hear his heartbeat, and it was beating fast.
"You're nervous..." I nuzzled his neck. "Don't be..."
"It's hard not to be nervous around you sugar... I love you so much..." He answered in a somewhat shaky voice.
I unwrapped my arms from his neck and reached for a piece of coconut brittle.
I leaned back from him a little and held the piece in front of his face. "Here." I smiled at him.
The red on his cheeks grew a bit darker, but he still took the piece out of my hand with his mouth. "T-Thanks Y/n..."
"I have you so nervous that you used my real name instead of my nickname!" I chuckled.
"W-Well... The way you are acting this time is different then the other times you wanted to cuddle."
I removed my legs from his torso so that they were in his lap now, and then I pushed him down onto the cot. The bag of coconut brittle was thrown to the side as I did this.
"H-Hey..." My hands were on his chest, and I straddled him which made him even more nervous.
"I love you so much Gaius... That's why I want to cuddle so much... I want to be as close to you as I can... You never know when war may claim either of our lives..." I made myself sad at the last part, and didn't realize I made myself cry.
"Don't cry..." Gaius wiped the tears away, and he cupped my face in his hands.
He pulled my face down to his for a kiss. His lips tasted like the coconut brittle he just ate. I put my hand in his hair, and his hair was very soft. After he broke the kiss he grabbed my wrists which made me yelp in surprise, and he flipped me over so that I was under him now.
"G-Gaius...?" I looked into his eyes, and I saw a different look in them than usual.
He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "You're making it hard to resist you right now sugar."
I decided to be brave with my next words. "Then don't..." I whispered.
He was slightly taken aback by my words, but he didn't hesitate. He intertwined his fingers with mine, and kissed me hard. After he broke the kiss he stared at me for a minute.
"I won't hold back then, if that's what you want..." He moved his mouth to my neck, and I tensed.
My grip on his hands tightened, and he took this as a sign that he found a sweet spot, no pun intended. He abused that spot for a bit, and I was surprised when I felt his hand wandering to my tactician robes. I didn't even realize he let go of my hand.
"G-Gaius... M-Maybe not that far yet..." My heart felt like it would beat out of my chest.
He looked up at my face with understanding. "Alright. Some other time then sugar." He smiled. "Also, your face is as red as a cherry lollipop." He teased.
"W-Well! I wonder why!" I brought my free hand to his cheek, because he was still holding the other. "I-I admit that I loved that. I just don't want to go that far yet... With this war and all, its just... Not safe."
He leaned down to kiss my cheek. "It's fine. I understand sugar."
"I really liked cuddling this time. We should do it again." I smiled.
"Yeah, I liked cuddling this time too." He let go of my hand, and then he put one hand on each side of my head. "Who ever said I was done though?" He smirked.
"W-Wait... What about your coconut brittle? And the other people in camp? If Chrom walked in, that would be quite embarrassing..."
"Don't worry, nobody will walk in... Also, I can't believe I'm saying this, but the coconut brittle can wait." He leaned back down to kiss me again.
I put both of my hands in his hair, and kissed him back. By the time we were finished cuddling aka, making out, it was dark outside.
"I'm staying here tonight, sugar. It was about time I started staying in your tent anyways. I will tell Chrom my tent can be used for something else." He got off of me and laid down beside me.
"A-Alright..." I was happy, but also nervous that he was going to be staying with me in my tent from now on.
He looked at me, and noticed I was nervous. "What? Are you thinking about what will happen while I'm staying in your tent?" He had a playful smile on his face.
"N-No!" I denied.
"Okay, sure. Whatever you say sugar." He put his hands under his head.
I used this opportunity to snuggle up to his chest now that his arms weren't in the way.
"What? Still not satisfied with my cuddles?" He asked.
"I am! I just wanted to sleep like this, that's all..." I mumbled.
I felt him shift so that he was facing me, and he pulled me up against him. "I will fulfill your desire then."
I nuzzled my face into his chest, and I smelled many different scents of candy on him. I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat and breathing. He wrapped both arms around me, held me tight, and put his head on top of mine.


When I opened my e/c eyes, I saw green ones looking right back at me. "Good morning Gaius." I smiled.
"Morning sugar." He kissed my forehead.
"Well, I have to go discuss plans for our next battle with Chrom." I got up and almost left, but Gaius grabbed my wrist.
"Wait a minute." He looked at my neck and smirked. "Here, wear this for today." He unwrapped the scarf he had around his neck that he usually used to hide his face.
"What? Why?" I took the scarf from him and started putting it on.
"Because, I marked you as mine."
I felt heat rise to my cheeks, and I pulled the scarf up higher to hide my blush. "T-Thank you Gaius..." The scarf smelled like him.
"For what? The scarf, or the bite?" He joked.
"The scarf you idiot!" My face was probably redder than a tomato.
"I know, I know. I was joking sugar."
"O-Okay... I really need to go now though, Chrom is waiting!" I hurried to leave.
I heard him call after me. "I look forward to cuddling again soon!"
I hid my face in his scarf as I made my way to Chrom's tent because I was so embarrassed. I opened the tent flap to see that Chrom was looking at the map laid across the big table in the center of his tent.
"Welcome Y/n- Err..." He looked at me with a dumbfounded look. "Why are you wearing a scarf?"
"Well... Gaius wanted me to wear it today... He thought that it might get colder today, so he wanted to be sure I'd be warm." I lied.
"Oh... Well I guess it will start getting colder now that winter is coming soon." He bought the lie.
Thank Gods it was getting close to winter. I wouldn't have had an excuse for the scarf if it was summer. Also thank Gods Chrom was somewhat of an idiot.
"Okay... Hmm... Since there are pegasus knights stationed in the front, we will need our archers to take them out, and then the cavalry will follow close behind to take out the swordsmen that are behind the pegasus knights. We can have our few mages attack the heavily armored units, and our swordsmen can handle the rest." I drew on the map to show him what we would do.
"I'm glad we have you as a tactician. Gods knows how our battles would end if I planned these out. Thank you." Chrom replied.
"No problem, sir." I joked and saluted him.
This made him laugh. "Well, since our plans are done, you can rest until we need to go out to battle."
I headed back to my tent, and was surprised to see Gaius still there. My cheeks heated up when I saw he was looking through my clothes, more specifically my smallclothes. He was eating his coconut brittle as he did, and didn't notice me walk in.
"G-Gaius what are you doing?!"
"These look real good sugar. Wonder what they are like on you?" He teased, and his voice sounded funny due to the piece of coconut brittle sticking out of his mouth.
"Stop looking through my personal stuff!" I scolded.
He put the smallclothes away and walked up to me, taking his scarf off of my neck. "The mark is still there, but its fading. You shouldn't need to worry about it showing in our next battle."
I crossed my arms and pouted. "I had to lie to Chrom about why I had a scarf on."
"Sorry, but I had to mark you so I could claim you as mine." His eyes sparkled.
"We are already together though. What more can you do to claim me?!" I instantly regret saying that.
He got a suggestive grin on his face, and leaned in to my ear. "I can show you what else I can do to claim you after this war is finally over."
"G-Gaius!" I playfully smacked his shoulder, and blushed.
"I promise you will be super happy with me."
"And I promise you will be super happy with me too. Even though you are an idiot."
"I'm your idiot though."
During the next battle we never left each others side, and we saved each other countless times.

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