You Irritate My Soul

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Wattpad. Stop being petty. You used to be my #1 favorite writing site. Now I'm like. Quotev isn't petty. They be not giving a fuck about the words KILL and FUCK in comments.

Why THE FUCKING HELL are you petty?

You bitches be petty because you suspended Parogar. He one of the few fucking people on here I give a flying rats ass about, and the only person I haven't personally talked to on here.

Why do I give a fuck about him then? Simple. He real as fuck. Do real people scare you? Because you be acting like it. Like. People who tell the truth are like, fucking scary or some shit? Alethophobic much?

Suspending Parogar or some stupid shit ain't cool.


Go ahead. Suspend me or some shit. Just don't act like I care. Because I don't. It'll piss me off more, and make Quotev look twice as awesome. The choice is yours.

#BringParoBackTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon