Chapter Three

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  Virgil woke up. He looked at the alarm clock beside his bed and realized he woke up five minutes before it went off. He let it continue to run so that he would know when to start his plan.
  His nightmares were worse then normal. There were three figures in his dream. All concealed in shadow. One never wanted to do anything. Another was a prideful brat who kept insulting him, Patton and Logan. The forth was a jealous idiot who thought Virgil's life was so easy.
  Then a fourth person, Thomas, seemed to be having a mental breakdown. He had a mix of all three of the attitudes. And soon, he was soon engulfed in the darkness.
  His friends then spoke in unison. "You have to stop this. Please!" And other pleas. He agreed with them. They couldn't become dark sides. He couldn't be the only light side. It won't happen.
  After he made sure the details were as perfect as possible, the alarm went off. "Perfect timing." He said to himself. He went over the plan one last time.
  He mentally prepared himself as he walked downstairs. Patton was probably making breakfast while Logan was reading and Roman was writing. They'd talk about whatever Roman had written after breakfast so first he'd talk to his father figure.
  But when he reached the bottom no one was there. He couldn't understand why. It took at least a couple weeks to get out of his habits and it was obvious this started a few days ago. Did he mis-judge the time? Where the closer to the end then Virgil had thought? If so could he save them?
  Just then Patton came down the stairs. He wasn't sad or hesitant, he was upbeat and happy! As far as Virgil could tell he was a bit better.
  "Morning Kiddo!" He said cheerily. "Sorry I'm late for making breakfast Virgil. Me, Logan, and Roman talked for a bit." He looked sadly at Virgil now.
  Virgil started to worry. "What is it Patton?" He said clutching the binder. He knew it was bad news from how Patton was acting.
  The Lighter side looked in pain. "They don't trust you anymore. I do though!"
  Virgil's hearing had basically cut out after the first sentence. They didn't trust him? His breathing started to quicken. But they were friends now! This couldn't be right.
  "Th-They don't trust me?" Virgil said his voice quivered and he fought back tears.
  Patton feared he'd react this way. "The other two aren't acting like themselves right now." He took a step closer to the distressed side. "This'll passover before the days end."
  "No. No it won't. They'll hate me forever. Why'd they like me to begin with?" Virgil was crying a bit now. "I'll just try to help a bit before I get out of your hair."
  "Please don't Virgil. I still accept you. They're in the wrong here." Patton was obviously worried.
  "Ok. I'll stay. B-But only if you're sure!" He looked up at the happy pappy father figure hesitantly.
  "Do you want to help me in the kitchen?" He asked the nervous side
  "Sure." Virgil put his notebook down and opened it, turning to Patton's page for a few brief seconds. His plan to help him was outlined nice and neatly.
  First he'd have to talk to him about a family activity, something like karaoke or a family game night, something fun.
  After he closed the book, he took a deep breath to prepare himself for his plan. "Hey Pop Star?"
  "What is it son?" He asked as he looked over in the pantry for a good breakfast option.
  "I was just wondering if you might want to do something tonight with all four of us. It would be fun. Maybe Monopoly or something?" Virgil suggested kind of casually.
  "Sure. That sounds fun!" He starts making oatmeal with little extras that the other sides can add into their own bowls.
  "Yeah. It really does." As he smiles and looks over at the coffee table where they played their first game of Monopoly as a family after he was accepted, he notices that three of the corners look different.
  "Hey Patton, does the coffee table look weird to you?"
  "What do you mean?" The father figure looked over and saw it. "Oh, that coffee table. I don't know, maybe a little. Want to know the really strange thing about it?"
  "Uh. Sure." Virgil said it hesitantly, as if not actually sure about it.
  "That coffee table just appeared sudden right before you arrived. At first we thought Roman made it so we asked him about it. He slow slow slow he didn't know anything about it. And one of the corners was a little bit darker then the others, it slowly got lighter and lighter. Logan set up cameras one time to see who was messing with the table, but it didn't catch anybody. Eventually it became the light brown it is and you arrived a day later. We still don't know why it did that." Patton finished making the oatmeal.
  After he made bowls and set them on the counter, he looked over at Virgil. "I'll go ahead and get everyone. You can go ahead and start eating." Then the father figure went upstairs to fetch Roman and Logan.
  The anxious side looked over at his bowl of oatmeal, then at the coffee table.
  He needed to investigate it, especially hearing what he just heard. If it lightened as he did then it could be a way to monitor his friends conditions.
  But the others would catch him and just be even more suspicious of him. He had to wait until they wouldn't catch him studying it.
  With a sigh, he went over to the counter and ate his oatmeal, hiding his notebook in his lap. The others joined him downstairs, not openly hostile this time, but not trustful of him and his intentions.
  It hurt but he couldn't explain anything to them until they got back to normal. If he did they could change forever.

Hello! I would just like to apologize for the halt in progress. I will try to continue.

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