Chapter 23: Let's Party, a Toast

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   We enter the bar and see that it's full of people as per usual and we're walking walking into an empty room but a server stopped us.
"I am sorry but this room is reserved for Nakamura party." The director got upset.
"Ugh, do you know who I am? I'm J.J Hakimoto!" She got real timid.
"I'm really sorry but it's against bar policies to do so. Please, I beg for your understanding standing." I was gonna pull director away but then Lee grabbed the server by her hands and looked at her with a gentle look.
"I'm sorry that Hakimoto-San got in your face but we came here from a long day of set and we heard that your bar is the best, seeing you, now I know why." She swooned.
"You guys are, movie stars?" We softly smiled at her and she nervously chuckled.
"W-well I guess I can push back the reservation a little bit hahaha..." She walked off really bubbly and we went into the bar patting Lee on the back.
"Good job Lee, laying it on smooth so we can get in." One guy said elbowing Lee.
"I... don't know what you mean guys, I was just being nice." The other guys laughed.
"She wasn't to bad looking either. Nice set." He made the movement of insinuating a women's chest. Oh brother. I rolled my eyes.
One guy noticed me and joked.
"Oh, are you jealous that a fame superstar like you is with a negative body count and Lee over here is 'bout to get laid?" I just scoffed and shook my head; if they only knew.
"For one, I like to keep my affairs private." Then Narumiya chipped in. Wait-Why is he here?
"Really, but I heard when when Nii-Chan drinks he becomes hard to handle." My eyes bulged.
"What? Where did you her that from? More importantly, why are are you even here? It's a bar!" He sheepish said,
"My manager said I can come if my drinks are just virgins." I face palmed. I swear these guys don't know how to censor themselves. I better make sure that I don't drink that much. Don't wanna get too stand off-ish.
The girl from earlier came back with menus and a friend and she started twirling her hair.
"So I told my friends about your show and I couldn't believe I didn't notice before." Hakimoto gleemed.
"Finally, some damn recogni-" He got cut of by the other girls squeals.
"You play Nastu from the BL television series 'Affair'." She pointed straight at Ayagi.
"Huh?" He said clearly not going on.
"Yes it's him, it's really him!" She went on.
"Hey, do you think it's fine if you do a scene with Saijou here?" The director was shooing them away.
"Can't you see we're trying to wind down after our long shoot? Why I-" I put a hand up, telling him to stop.
"No, it's fine. Ayagi, you game?" I say with a smirk. I mean, anything for that promo. He got up and drug my hand.
"So what are we gonna do?" He ask.
"Improvision." I say
"Oh okay." He gently slammed me to the wall.
"Why don't you choose me princess, you're better off with me anyway." I lightly pushed him away.
"I don't know what you mean, you're stubborn, a play boy, gets into way too much trouble." He smirked.
"Aww come on, admit it. I make your life more exciting." Chunta decided to butt into the scene.
"Flirting with another man, right in front of me no less, that's bold." I blush and the girls fangirl over our 'scene' with their phones still recording.
"Thank you so much, I can't wait to show my friends!" They giggle and run off.
"Wait guys- Dang it, they forgot to ask what drinks we want." Narumiya said. I gave him a glare.
"You, young man are way to young to drink!" He pouted.
"All I wanted was a Shirley Temple."
   Another waiter came along and soon enough we were drinking like Gods themselves. I was trying to lay back but the cocktails from there are the best and soon enough, I got drunk clinging into Ryō who was taking pictures left and right. Hakimoto-San commented.
   "Oh, it looks like Saijou-San can't hold his liquor tonight." I leaned over to him.
   "Aw to hell with you, I-I'm not drunk! Just a little tipsy." I chugged down another cocktail.
   "So you're denying it." Lee said.
   "Yep!" I drunk some more and Ryō said.
   "I think you should stay off the cocktails Nii-Chain." I sludged my body back over to Ryō,
   "It's okay, I have my *hic* designated driver over  there." I pointed over to Chunta and he smiled back at me.
   The lady that Lee was flirting with came back and she went up to Lee. The guys started hooting and hollering and Lee was telling them to quiet down.
   "Umm, I think you're really nice and handsome, and I think we should hang out some." You can hear OooOoHh's within our groups.
   "Shut up guys." He turned back into his lady friend.
   "Sure I would love to hangout sometime." She squealed and handed him her flip phone and Lee put his contact into in it and she ran off excited waving off.
"I'll call you!" She said, before disappearing. Everyone was congratulating Lee and I can't believe what did after that. I pressed myself against Lee, my arms around his neck.
"Yeah, you're handsome, but you wanna know who's really handsome?" I giggle and drunkily hung myself on Chunta. "This guy!" The team started to giggle.
"I think the 'fruity' drinks got to him." Hakimoto-San sneered. I narrowed my eyes, got off Chunta and wobbling up the table and declared.
"Yeah, so of it. *Hic* I can fuck whoever I'd like! But in this case I'm the one being fucked hehehe!" I giggled. Chunta and Ayagi were trying to get me down.
"Let me go, I'm married!" I shout at Ayagi.
"No we aren't Takato." Chunta said. My eyes got teary.
"W-We aren't?" Chunta smiled and rolled his eyes.
"If I marry you will you sit down?" I pouted and stuck my nose in the air.
"Maybe." I started to inviting people to Chunta and I's wedding. Thank God that people thought it was only a drunken ramble. I pointed to Lee.
"Lee! You're invited, *hic* bring that nice little lady." He just looked at me confused and I directed my attention to Ryō.
"Ryō! You will be the ring barrier because the flower girl has already been reserved!" The others started to laugh and I pointed at Hakimoto.
"Hakimoto... you're a bitch. No invite for you." The others started snickering he was telling them to shut up.
"And you, *hic*" I pointed straight at Ayagi.
"You're my best man, because, we've been through some shit man," I lay myself on Ayagi, "you really had my back and I" I started tearing up and Chunta pried me off Ayagi and sat me beside him. I went on his lap and smirked.
"And you handsome, *hic* will be playing the part of the groom." I went in for a kiss but he put me over his Shoulder.
"Okay guys, I'll be taking him home now cause I am his designated driver. " I thrashed around in rebellion.
"What-no! I wanna stay and have more drinks. *hic* Come on, let's dance, Teach me how to do that 'flamenco' dance. (Flamenco is a combination of Zapato, Braceo, and Musica of guitar and clapping in use to display an emotion, it's not necessarily ballet, think of it more as more street dance, a way of entertainment.)
"Be careful, he might just get you." Ayagi joked.
"If anyone going to do the attacking, it's me." I felt nauseous.
"Wait Junta put me down, feel like I'm gonna vomit!" Everyone was on edge and freaking out. He put me down and I puked in a fake flower pot. Everyone was had a look of engrossment and slight curiosity.
"Is every drinking party like this?" He ask while recording. Wait- how long was he recording?
"Only with Light weight over there." He pointed towards me. I got away from Chunta and raised my final glass for the toast.
"A toast, to my *hic* holy matrimony." I chugged it down and Chunta a hold of me.
"Let's go, you're drunk." He was ushering me into his car.
"What, I'm not drunk! You, just need to loosen up a little bit." I argue.
"Yeah, you're drunk, let's go." I was back on his shoulder.
"Nnnnnuuuuuuuuuu!!" I say as he continues to carry me. I stop struggling and I'm just chilling and get a little flirtatious.
"You know, you're really strong~" I say as I graze up and down against his abs. He sets me down.
"What was that for?" He opened the car and said.
"Teasing me like that all night eh? You don't how hard I wanted to slam you down on that table and have my way. Prepare your ass for when we get home, Taka-Darling~" he bit his lip in a seductive matter. I blushed and got in the car knowing what was going to happen full and well when I exit this car again.

A Little too Realistic Acting Role [Junta x Takato ]Where stories live. Discover now