
180 21 27

We are almost ready to begin judging.

Action, Adventure and Horror are pretty low on participants. If they will remain with about 5 participants each, those three categories will be counted as one. However, the three winners will be counted as winning their proper category.

Say for example, the winning entry was horror, then they would win for horror. If the second winning entry is adventure, they would win second in adventure. If the third winning entry was action, then they would win third for action.

Historical/General Fiction is almost filled up. The rest are full.

I'll give the award one more week, then it will begin judging.

As of judges, I'm happy to announce that we have a good amount. All of the entries have judges so far, so that is good. We are only missing one judge for Adventure.

🧁Judging will begin August 7🧁

Entries will no longer be accepted on August 6, THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS.

If you have been accepted as a judge or as a participant, please visit the category you entered and see if your username is on the list. If it isn't contact me right here and I'll make the changes. ➡️

Judges, if participants that you are judging entries for have not followed you yet, please report that to me here ➡️

🧁The ConFection Awards🧁

The ConFection Awards 2020Where stories live. Discover now