Fatal flaw: 22

892 58 2

"So you're telling me... that mark lee... the most dorkiest sweetest couldn't-hurt-a-fly boy ever is the son of the governments highest ranking defence officer...?"

Jaemin could barely parse the feeling that was overwhelming him at such a thing. It just seemed... off.

Donghyuck and Chenle nodded.

Jaemin decided he'd return to that thought later. "And you know this because..."

Chenle chewed on his lip. "My dad knows him, something to do with international business relations. Donghyucks mum is military, went to the same military school as marks dad. They didn't get on superbly so they don't know each other personally but you best believe the two lees know each other well."

"And my parents-"

"Oh they aren't military, you're not being lied to or anything there, they are just landlords that decorate houses who happened to be redecorating the deputy chiefs old home and stumbled across some... disfortunate information."

Jaemin was too confused to even question it. He just sat scratching his head and unaware what to do or say.

"I don't get it."

"Look Jaemin," Donghyuck snapped his fingers in Jaemin's face and then Chenle continued to speak. "This town is full of people like marks dad, like donghyucks mum. There is a military school a forty minutes drive down the nearest motor way. This town is peaceful and quaint and as a young kid you can get away with whatever you want because everybody, their parents, grandparents, whole extended family, has ties they don't even realise they have. The only problem is," Chenle took a sip from his Frappuccino, "your parents saw the environment and decided it was perfect to start renting houses. So they moved here, had you, completely unaware of it all. And then they found out in possibly the least elegant way possible. Old documents stuffed under a staircase in the deputy chiefs old house. And now marks dad has his eye on your parents. So they faked their death to escape. Because we told them to."

"You- What?"

Donghyuck elbowed Chenle who let out a Yelp in response, raising a hand to hit him but pausing mid air when they saw the way jaemin was staring at them, a look to disdain flooding onto his face as his mouth hung agape.

Donghyuck gave Chenle one last stern look, sipped his americano and then turned to Jaemin.

"We didn't do anything. Well not really. Our parents are in cahoots with secret service organisations or whatever it is, and they just happened to be investigating the deputy chief when your parents stumbled upon some documents that they rather unwisely read through and then took to the local police station, where they were immediately ceased and burnt to ashes by the order of chief of military service, Mr Lee. Not before your parents had been identified as having read those documents though."

Donghyuck let out a long sigh, stole a piece of Jaemin's untouched muffin before continuing, crumbs falling from his mouth.

"Damn this is getting real boring to explain. Okay we are nearly done thank god.

So your parents were then on the radar and not in a good way. Luckily for them a certain informant works in the local police station who happens to be giving information to my parents about the orders of the chief of security and as a plus kun adores Chenle so-"

"Renjuns brother?" Jaemin interjected.


"Renjuns brother, kun, he works at the police station. He's the informant?"

Donghyuck now had half of Jaemin's muffin and was nodding, swiping at the crumbs at the corner of his mouth. Chenle took one look at him with gentle disgust and carried on for him.

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