Chapter 1:Creepy Mommy

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In a faraway old city, everything is so silent, so peaceful---



Well that excepts Andrea, she's not seeing creepy things that we can't see with naked eyes or seeing someone naked who is planning something vicious to her. She's just reading her 30th 100 paged novel book written by her favorite author. In her case she will typically squeal.

"Andrea! Why the hell are you screaming?"
She flinched when her mother is in front of her, wearing an old black dress that covers all her being, she really resembles like the killer in the book. It's squeal not scream duh But she swished the thought away when she feel the sadness.

"Mommy why did it happened? It hurts,"She cries heavily absorbing everything that she read. The book really affected her.

" Why what happened? Tell me who did this to you? Does he looks rich?"Her mom's voice is tough and filled with determination but if falls in her final sentence, what looks rich is she saying? She thinks nothing but money.

"Why did Cindy died?" She sobbed louder asking the question off.

"We can't do anything if it's her time, she became a useful cat,"Her mom pointed remembering how Cindy will accompany her with her rituals under the moonlight, the thing Andrea never understand, she thinks it's cryptic,well it was.
Cindy is Andrea's furry white cat whose name is based on her book entitled:
"The Case of Cindy Wang"

"No, not the cat but Cindy the character from the novel," Shortly Andrea feel her nape hurt.

"Ouch," Her mom hit her.
Well her mom's back to her usual self, a lecturing and blunt one.

"You're such a lame kid, instead of reading your crap book, why not do the household chores with Lillian? Or help me scold the workers in the hacienda they're so slow so money is slow, how can I even buy my dream black dress, black car, and black merchandise for the house?"

Her mom started lecturing about her dream black items, she's such a fan of black, no wonder, her mom's friends suspected her as a witch, well Andrea told them her mom is a fan of the killer in the novel, it doesn't help at all they just think more badly about her, thanks to Andrea.

"And you also want a black food mommy?"
"You idiot, start cleaning your messy room! Look at your books their scattering everywhere, you're really starving in school to save for this damn books?" Her mom said in disbelief.

"Ofcourse, author GreySon BFB
Is the best Author in the world, I wonder how he looks like, If he will notice me one day mom, I will marry him, and we will be richer," She daydreamed then with the thought of marriage she will giggle, knowing how good is marriage's descriptions in her books.Sure they got lots of money but she knew that the business is falling, due to her mom's depression when her father died, she's also sad but it really affects her mom and plus her mother gambles a lot sure it's falling so her mom wants her to marry a rich man.

"Tsk, marriage is not sweet,look at me your father died, so I've to take care of a rubbish kid alone ,"

She rolled her eyes and stormed out the room, well ofcourse her mother's never lucky to have her, she's like a garbage waiting to be recycled, she wants to save their hacienda, but not by marrying a rich guy she don't even knew and love,she wants a dream guy, a guy she just reads in her novels.

So she paints instead to help and give the costumers a price that they can afford, her medium is usually watercolor her favorite, since it was easy and not fetid, and also because she have asthma history, inherited from her dad, but she wonders what does the yuckycolorblackboilingcoffeelike drink that her mom made her drank did that it made her asthma vanish like magic?
Sometimes she thinks her mom is conjured it. It's impossible it only exists in books.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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