Chapter 4

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A bright light hit Ruby's face, it was morning. She looked beside her Lana wasn't there. Ruby quickly got down the ladder and looked for Lana. 

"Lana!" she whispered angrily. Ruby ventured out of the bedroom and looked for her. 

In the kitchen Lana was eating an omelet, already dressed. "Behind the chair!" she mouthed. Ruby did as she was told. She got dressed quickly then hid behind the chair. Lana had a sewing kit and fabric so Ruby had made a new top and borrowed some of Lana's leggings. 

Last night Lana had some extra food in a crate, pancakes. So Ruby ate them. When it was time for school Lana and Ruby headed out once more. 

In free period, at the library with the whole gang, Ruby had a realization. 

"What if it's a Guardian?" Ruby asks. 

"A what?" Johnny asked. 

"What's a Guardian?" Kaia added. 

"Wait, that's my made-up magic being!" Lana realized. 

"Yes." Ruby said simply. She continues, "What if a Guardian somehow brought me here through the portal" Ruby proposed.  

"But Guardians aren't real!" Lana said to Ruby. 

"But there's no other explanation!" Ruby concludes confidently, "How do you contact a Guardian" Ruby asks. 

"Well, you would have know them personally or know someone who knows them." Lana informs. 

"Any other way?" Ruby asked hoping there might be another way. 

"I don't think so but I'll have to check" Lana says. "There might be a way to communicate with Wonderland though!" Lana think aloud. 

"Okay, so let's do it!" Ruby urges. 

"Fine, but the ingredients are kinda rare." Lana informs. 

"What are the ingredients?" Johnny asks. 

"Animal's horn, puffy mushroom thing and ashes made of something from Wonderland" Lana replies. 

"We have to get and animals horn?!" Kaia asks. 

"And a puffy mushroom?" Johnny adds. 

Lana nods, "but the last thing should be easy if Ruby doesn't mind burning the clothes she brought here."

"Yes, I'd be happy to oblige" Ruby answers rolling her eyes for really no reason. 

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