Deep Waters.

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 The last rays of sunlight filled the sky.

Walking along the sandy path, you were watching the sun set slowly over the endless ocean. Colors burst through the sky, bright explosions of pinks and blues and golden light falling over everything in its path.

It was beautiful.

Without any of the people crowding the beaches, you were able to really see the beauty it all. The sea was sweet and calm, waves lapping at the sandy shore. Shells and sea glass littered the sand, the forgotten remains of sandcastles scattered here and there. As you walked through the summer heat, you were able to enjoy an almost rare beauty.


Nothing but the sky and the sea, sunlight melting over the ocean like molten gold. It felt as though the secrets of the sea were all yours. Of course you knew better, the sea kept its secrets close to the darkly depths...but there was one secret that belonged to you and you alone.

Your own sweet little secret.

Smiling to yourself, a quick glance of the beach reassured you that you were truly alone. Kicking off your sandals, you ran barefoot through the sand and into the warm sea.

The blue waves swallowed you whole. Diving deep into the cerulean waves, the slat stung your eyes as you looked for something in the deep blue. Fish rushed by, sleek and brightly colored, and seaweed grasped at your legs, clinging to you. But through the mess of life that was the ocean, you saw something swimming closer...

A shadow.

It was sleek and quick, a creature that moved too fast for you to really see. It slipped through the waves like a black ribbon, slender and quick, leaving only a glimpse or two of it in your vision. But with every glimpse it came closer and closer until...


A muffled scream escaped your throat, bubbles bursting from your lips as this creature dragged you up, up, up to the surface.

Popping out of the water, you shook the sea water out of your hair, laughing as you did. Two strong arms were wrapped around you, holding you tight as you bobbed in the water, and before your eyes, a creature rose from the waves.

A twisted mix of man and shark grinned at you, rows of sharp teeth gleaming bright. His skin was a sleek silver, droplets of water dripping down a slim, muscular body.

"Hello, angel fish."

"Hello yourself."

Dag leaned back in the water, grinning sweetly...well, as sweet as a wereshark could smile at all.

Careful not to be caught, the two of you swam to a private little cove, a circle of tall gray rocks protecting you for prying eyes. Dragging himself onto the sea soaked sand, Dag lay beneath the sky as you took your place next to him. He played with your hair, clawed fingers tangling in your wet curls.

"I missed you."

Sighing, you leaned back on his chest and looked up at the sky.

"Me too."

The both of you knew the rules.

Werecreatures of the sea lived in secrecy, hidden far away from the threat that was humanity. By day, they lived as humans on a little island in the ocean and by night, they enjoyed a world that entirely belonged to them. Storms protected their home and it was those very storms that had brought the both of you together.

At the time, you had called it bad luck and a near death experience.

But Dag had called it fate.

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