Primal Dragon: Part 2

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Ok so in the last chapter I talked about the Primal source part of the quirk and I know.....i can hear those who scream " BuT THatS OVeRpoWEred!!!!!" Yeah? I want this one to be op....if I hade this bakugou would not be kidnapped maybe....and hey atleaset it has some harmful drawbacks and if you are not pleased with the skill this one go to the next quirk if you want I dont care. Any way  I will be talking about the Dragon part here and some more facts about the quirk! ON WE GO WITH THE PART 2!

Dragon facts:

Water-Wave dragon:
Name- Oceana (Oh-she-ana).
Gender- Female
Element- Water

Sun-Fire Dragon:
Name- Redfire
Gender- Male
Element- Fire

Earth-Blood Dragon:
Name- Woodlyn
Gender- Female
Element- Earth

Skywing Dragon:
Name- SilverStorm
Gender- Male
Element- Air

Moonshadow Dragon:
Name- Shadow-Wing
Gender- Female
Element- Moon

Starlight Dragon:
Name- Staren
Gender- Male
Element- Star

Power ranking on dragons:
1. Shadow-Wing
2. Redfire
3. Oceana
4. Staren
5. Silverstorm
6. Woodlyn

Power ranking based on how I use it:
1. Moonshadow
2. Sun-Fire
3. Staren
4. Silverstorm
5. Woodlyn
6. Oceana

How I Look In Future Story:
Hair color- Raven Black
Eye Color- Purple
Skin color- Like a fair Carmel tone
Hero custom- Picture above
Any marks or scars?: Yes dragon marks
Body figure: like the picture (what???? It's my story let me have my moment!)

How my Dragon markings look:
(If you read the story on weebtoon subzero you know what I'm talking about if not look it up because I am to lazy to do so!) I have a black (Moonshadow) mark with its head facing towards my left eye going down my back ending at 1 inch below my waist and with a galaxy (Starlight) mark is mirroring it but on the right side with the two going in like a swirl from the middle of my shoulder blades to 1 inch below my waist. A blue (Water-Wave)Dragon mark can be seen on my left arm, it is wrapped around my arm with its head on the back of my hand with a Grayish (Skywing) mark doing the same to my right right arm. On my left leg you can see a deep red (Sun-fire) mark wrapped around my leg with its head in the front and around 1 cm above my ankle with a deep green (Earth-Blood) mirroring the Red mark on my right leg.

Any other facts:
-I can summon the dragons of the primal sorceress that I use
-I can summon more than one dragon as well as use more than one element at a time
-I can combine elements like if I combine water and wind I have ice and I can control it
-If I have a close bond with a dragon of any element the side effects decrease
-If I train and gained enough power I can turn into a dragon!
-I can hear the dragons voices in my head
-When the dragons want they can manifest themselves but when a glowing aura is around them only I can see them

Well that's all for now guys! I might write a story based on this quirk but...who will probably be awhile till I update this so...until then Bye my wonderful wolf pack!

What quirk I want to have if I ever become a character in MHAWhere stories live. Discover now