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midoriya was going to confess.

he didn't know exactly how he was going to do it, but he knew he was going to do it. if he didn't 😸 out, that is.

he watched the new video y/n had made, a combination of her cursing out mc for trusting strangers, and swooning over fictional characters in the game for 21 minutes and 17 seconds, not counting the intro and outro of her video.

every time he heard her "aw" at the characters, he could swear he felt his heart melt into a puddle of joy and gratefulness. seeing her happy, made him happy. he tilted his head to get a glance at the time, powering off his computer so he wouldn't be late to school.

the broccoli headed boy wasn't sure if he was doing this on his own will or if it was because todoroki had sort of kind of unintentionally pressured him into doing it. it's not like he didn't want to be with l/n, he was just scared. what if she made fun of him ? or rejected him in the meanest way possible ?

he shook those thoughts away, y/n was the kindest person to walk this earth, there was no way she'd do something like that.

— — —

there she was, the apple to his eye of ender.

he watched as she walked happily down the hallway, her h/c locks bouncing along with her. every single thing that he's said and done had led up to this moment, he could feel his heating up along with his feet shaking. just three words. it was simple. he could do it.

y/n spotted izuku, her grin turning into an even bigger one, "izu, hey ! did you study for the test ?" she asked as the green haired boy just looked off to the side and shrugged his shoulders, all while rubbing the nape of his neck. l/n groaned out, "i was going to pull an all mighter, but it turns out theres a place where you can become a stripper without a high school diploma !"

the poor male chocked on his saliva as he asked himself it it was what it was. "k-kidding !" she retorted, "partly." she said in a hushed voice. midoriya finally spoke up. "t-that's besides the point ! i-i need to tell you something !" her ears perked up at the statement. "oh sure, what's up ?"

he swallowed his nerves, turning his hands into fists. "i-i like. . ."

"you like ?"

"i. . .l-like. . ."

". . .you like ?"

"t-todoroki !"

if y/n wasn't amused before, she definitely was now. "oh wow, that's great, really ! i'll support you no matter what !" what she didn't know, was that the peppermint boy was actually behind her and midoriya yelled his name out of surprise.

"hello, izuku." todoroki knew where this was leading, or more like where it was supposed to lead. "gah, shoto !" she turned her head around, spotting the half n half boy. "oh no, midoriya's secret is exposed ! to be, or not to be ? find out next week, when the author stops being so damn lazy !"

"the what ?" the boys questioned in sync. l/n shook her head and shrugged off their question as she skipped to class. "so. . ." todoroki started

"i-im not actually gay, i meant to confess to her but you startled me."

"go figure."

a/n: it didnt feel right to leave yall hanging, so while i WONT be returning to the fandom, i will finish the books i started as a thank you to the people in the fandom who helped me get through such tough times & to the supportive readers who i love vv much <33

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