Part Two

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“So, Calum. Have anything to tell Mom and Dad?”

Looking up the untouched peas on my plate I glowered across the table at my older sister Mali.

“Do you have something to tell us Buddy?” my Dad questioned, lowering his fork.

“No.” I laughed.

“Really?” Mali questioned.

“Mali what are you going on about?” our Mom sighed.

“Calum has detention on Saturday.” Mali blurted out.

“Calum!” my parents gasped in unison.

“Mali had sex!” I cried.

“Mali!” Dad yelped.

“And I walked in on her doing it!”


“I am nineteen!”

“That’s too young for promiscuity.” Our Mom sighed, “If you’re not ready for a child you shouldn’t be having sex.”

“Mom!” Mali hissed, “Stop okay.”

“Did he wear a condom?” Dad groaned, running his hands down his face.

“Ew! I am not having this conversation!” Mali yelped, “I hate you Cal.”

Pushing her chair out she stormed away from the table. Smirking I took a small bite of my mashed potatoes.

“Calum.” Mom said slowly.

Wincing, I looked up.

“What is this we hear about you getting detention?” Dad questioned.

“It wasn’t my fault!” I said quickly.

“Oh, and who’s fault was it?” Mom sighed.

“Michael!” I blurted out.

“Who?” Dad pressed.

“Michael.” I sighed, pushing my food around on my plate, “He’s my friend, he got in trouble and kind of roped me in with him so he wouldn’t be alone in detention.”

“Are you serious?” Mom cried.

“That’s ridiculous.” Dad grumbled.

“He doesn’t seem like a very good friend.” Mom continued.

“It’s fine.” I said quickly rising to my feet, “I’ve got it.”

“Where are you going?” Dad questioned.

“May I be excused?” I sighed.

“No guitar.” Mom warned, “Homework and piano first.”

Letting out a groan in the back of my throat I nodded and shuffled out of the room to start on my homework. 

Michael's Pov ~

Pausing my game I glanced over at my nightstand and yawned, not realizing how late it was. Normally I’d stay up until morning playing video games on Friday nights, however since I had detention in the morning it probably wasn’t the best idea.

Sighing, I turned off the television on my dresser and tossed my controller onto the bed before rising to my feet. Pulling the hood of my sweatshirt over my head I shuffled across my messy room, kicking piles of close out of my way as I went.

Easing the door open quietly, wincing at the squeaky hinge, I sucked my gut in and slipped through the crack like opening and into the hall.

The only sounds in the entire house were the soft, even ticking of the Grandfather clock downstairs and the dripping of the  tap in the bathroom, my intended Destination.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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