Playful Birds

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"noisulli evomer," Raven chanted. Soon her entire body was covered in purple smoke revealing Raven just with two visual differences. 1. She had thick streaks of blonde in her now lighter purple hair 2. Her eyes turned from a chocolate grey to a sapphire blue, similar to Apple's.

"Raven, you look more beautiful then before,"Apple smiled, playing with Raven's now blonde streaks.

"I know you guys are dating and I'm definitely ruining the fluffy moment but I have to do the sibling things right now and say: I'm happy for you two but If you Apple ever break my sister's heart, I'll be onto you like a Charming to a mirror," politely threatened Crow while Raven smacked him in the back of the head playfully.

"Now that that's out of the way, I can't wait to tell Apple all about Raven's embarrassing moments from our childhood," announced Crow, playfully dodging another one of Raven's jokingly smacks.

"Don't even think about it you Corvus," replied Raven, clearly embarrassed that her brother was mischievous enough to say something like that. 

"Let's settle this like old times, later today. I win, I tell Apple everything about you growing up. You win, I'll keep it a secret......for now at least,"Smirked Crow, hoping that his sister's competitive nature hadn't changed; which it hadn't, proven by the nod showing that Raven agreed to the terms.

"What are you two gonna do later on?" Apple asked, knowing that the siblings might actually be trouble.

"A sparring duel," Grinned Raven as she grabbed Apple and started walking towards the castleteria just in time for the lunch bell to ring.  

I learnt that Corvus is the genus name that crows are apart of. You learn something knew everyday.

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