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I have seen things in my sixteen years that lots of people haven't seen in their whole life. In the little town of Jagged Rock there are certain reasons we aren't on the map, for one thing there are vampire and werewolves each group is on opposites sides of the town so they don't fight all the time. Then there are the shape shiftier and witches, which both groups hate each other but not as bad as the vamps and were's. Anyways then there are the demons, everyone fears them unless you're me, I'm Bre Pierce the secret keeper as everyone calls me. They call me this because everyone knows everything about everyone but no one knows all about me; what am I? Everyone thinks I'm a demon because I'm not afraid of them but the demons say I'm not one of them because i smell different. To be honest I know what i am but i believe that if i told anyone other than my soul mate then they will burn me just like what shape shiftier used to do with witches and trust me I want to live a long happy life, but i wonder how long I'll have to wait until i tell that one person my deep secret.

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