Chapter 4- Training part l

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We both turn off our flames. JJ hops off of the chariot. He quickly comes around to my side and puts his arm out to help me down. I was glad he helped me because as beautiful as Cinna's dress is, it was a little restricting. "Nice job guys." Says Peeta. "I'm glad you decided to smile at the end there Willow." Says Haymitch. I wanted to roll my eyes but he was right. I should have been smiling the whole time like JJ was. "Sorry. I forgot." I say. I know it doesn't really affect them. However it might affect me in the arena. Hopefully I'll still have some sponsors like Haymitch said. "It's alright. We'll work on it." Katniss says patting my back. We walk into the training center. The lobby is beautiful. All six of us, me, JJ, Haymitch, Peeta, Effie, and Katniss all cram into the elevator. "Go ahead and push twelve." Katniss tells me. The elevator begins to rise. It was amazing. I couldn't help but smile. I'm pretty sure the others were secretly making fun of me for getting so excited over something as simple as an elevator. I don't care though. Once we reach the top the elevator doors slide open and we step out in the most beautiful penthouse apartment. "Charming, isn't it?" Effie says. I stand in the living room admiring the crystal chandelier that hangs above my head. Effie shows us our rooms. I walk in to see a bedroom even bigger than the one on the train. "Wow." I can't help but say. I shut the door behind me and immediately began to take off my dress. I step into the shower and turn on the water. At first it's icy cold. I twist it to the right and it quickly becomes warmer. I scrub my scalp removing the rest of the hair products. Then I wash my face and the rest of my body. I stand there for about an hour, letting the warm water pour over me. The whole time I wasn't really thinking. My mind was almost completely blank. Then I thought of Cole. What I would do to play with him right now. I shut off the water and begin to step out, when warm air starts to blow over my whole body. In 30 seconds I'm completely dry. I brush my hair out staring at myself in the mirror. I liked my face much better when it was free of any and all makeup. I put on another black shirt with a pair of grey pants. I braid my hair in two French braids. I jump into my bed and lay there until I'm called to dinner by Peeta. I don't get up. There's a knock on the door. "I'm not hungry!" I yell. The door opens. It's Katniss. I wasn't happy, but at least it wasn't Effie. "What?" I say. "You need to eat if you wanna get strong for the arena." She says. I was lying. I was hungry. But I didn't want to see anyone right now. I stand up and make my way out of the room. I walk up the stairs that lead to the dining room table. Our plates have already been made for us. It was some type of mushroom soup with sides of vegetables, rice, and other things I couldn't name. I sit down next to JJ again. This time Peeta sits across from me. I was glad because for some reason, I didn't want to sit face to face with her. I begin to eat. I force myself to eat slowly because I had just told them that I wasn't hungry. I also leave a bit of food left on my plate even though I really wanted to eat it. I have to admit, I am very stubborn like that. An Avox brings out dessert. Tonight I wanted some but instead I asked if I could go to my room. "We were planning on talking a little bit tonight, about the arena and training. But you can go if you please." Peeta says before I can fully stand up. I sit back down and stare at the slice of cake in front of me. "You gonna eat that?" JJ says looking at my slice of cake. He has already finished his. "Go ahead." I say sliding the plate to my left. I notice Effie looks a little upset for whatever reason. It made me feel pleased at what I had just done. "What's the plan for tomorrow?" I ask. Every time I say something around here I feel nervous for the response. "Tomorrow at two o'clock you guys will go down to the training room for your first day. Start to mentally plan out who your allies are." Peeta says. "Do we have to have allies?" I ask. "They aren't a bad idea. Stick with your gut though. Stay away from the careers." Katniss says. "District 1 and 2 right?" JJ asks. "And sometimes 4." Peeta adds. "Listen you guys. The careers might want you as an ally. It may be tempting with all the supplies they have. But the second you make even the smallest mistakes they'll kill you. Especially because you're from District 12." Says Peeta. I understood what he meant by that last part based on the chat I'd had with Haymitch before the tribute parade. "They'll probably hunt you guys down first with all the sponsors you're gonna have." Katniss says. "Another really important part for you guys will be your training score." Peeta says. "What do you mean?" JJ asks as he scrapes the icing off of the plate with his fork. I knew what he meant. We will already have huge targets on our backs having Katniss and Peeta as our mentors. The only way to make that target bigger would be to get an almost perfect training score. Then again, they might be that intimidated by us. Peeta says just that. "You could play it safe and aim for a lower training score or do the opposite. Some may see you as too much of a threat to come after if your score is high, but for some people that will make you a target." All of this is making my head hurt to think about, so I stand up from the table and walk away towards my room. I climb into bed with my clothes on. The silky sheets and soft mattress help me to quickly drift off to sleep. The morning comes fast. I wake up from an alarm on a small clock that's set on my bedside table that I did not set. I turn it off and get up. It's 8:00 in the morning. I walk to the closet. There's a note on the door.

The Hunger Games 3rd Quarter Quell~ rewrittenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin