Chapter 3: Sunsets

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Chapter 3: Sunsets

It was five in the afternoon when she woke up. Still disoriented and confused, she tried to remember what happened in her dream after she passed out after eating her lunch.

Sei found herself yet again in the same tower as yesterday. She hated the thought of seeing the guy again. She remembered that the doorway sucked her towards the flower field so she dared not to enter again. Her annoyance rises again with regret that she did not get to enjoy the beautiful flower field. But instead of wasting this beautiful dream on annoyance, she chose to wander around the vicinity of the tower, feeling the coldness of the atmosphere that blended with the sound of nature breathing. The glistening of water can be heard nearby and Sei followed the sound with excitement and her heart was filled with comfort and peace when she saw a stream of water in the middle of a meadow, a very rare thing to see in the real world. Disappointment filled her when she realized that this is just a dream and she would have no way of savoring and drawing this in the real world. She would have used this place as an inspiration for their major project, crossing fingers that she would remember this dream vividly just like the other day.

Suddenly, she heard the rustling of the fallen leaves coming from her back. She glanced, expecting to see an animal but rather, she saw the thing that she would never wish to see, the annoying guy. Sei rolled her eyes out of frustration.

"Why would he be here in my dreams again?" Sei thought.

"You finally came back." He said with a smile. Confusion and dumbfoundedness was evident in Sei's face, trying to remember yesterday's dream and whether she was just in a new dream.

"Why is he smiling at me now?" Sei thought, still processing the man's sudden change. Gone is the annoying man who would have imprisoned him for trespassing their flower field.

"Does he have an interior motive? This is a dream, Sei, he can't do anything bad to you." Sei muttered to herself.

"Hello. You were the girl who went to the field last time, right? I'm Jae. I apologize for being hostile the other day. It's just rare for us to see someone coming from that direction of the field. I thought you're a bandit on the loose. Just taking care of our property." He let out a nervous chuckle, trying to make the air lighter.

He offered his hand to Sei, who was still eyeing the man with a confused look. Nevertheless, Sei accepted.

"I am Seirine." She said, shaking his hand.

"What a dream. It's very rare to have your dream continued, right? I often hear my friend telling me how she wished that she would see the guy who visited her dreams again. I would hear her rants on how she wants her dream to be continued like it was simply a drama put on pause. But here I am, in the exact position she would have wanted but I don't think I like it because of this weird guy." Sei's thoughts are too loud, unfocused on what's happening in her dream.

"I need your help." He said without even blinking. Sei was taken aback by the guy's straightforwardness.

"How can I help you? This is just my dream." She whispered softly.

Sei squinted her eyes as the now setting sun's light hit her eyes as she watched the passive street in the real world through her small window by the kitchen. Her head hurts badly but she felt like she badly needed the sunset today to make herself feel better.

Holding a cup of coffee in her hand, she headed towards her balcony. She was whipped by the cold summer air, now starting to bid goodbye as autumn approaches. The golden light covered the buildings and the surroundings, making her fall in love even more with today's ambiance. She sighed, taking everything in, and smiled to herself as it made her feel a tiniest bit of goodness after quite some time.

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