May 21 8:45 p.m (Max P.O.V)

565 15 26

-Flashback begins-

"I'll see you later Babe!"
"Yep, bye Nikki!"

Brandon waved Nikki goodbye as we both walked to Fuzzy Friends. Nikki couldn't come because she has homework to do. It was just the 2 of us. Me and Brandon

It was a cool day out; it had just finished raining and the clouds were just starting to part away from the sun. The smell of wet grass filled my lungs as me and Brandon walked along to side walk.

Brandon ran up to nearby puddles and stomped in them. Some water got on my shoes, but I wasn't really complain. All I could focus on was Brandon...

His soft dirty blonde hair...his beautiful dark green eyes that shined the emeralds in the light. His denim jacket with all his little pins on them. His-

"So, I heard you asked out Zoey." Brandon said. I snapped back to attention

"Oh, yeah! I've wanted to ask for a while, but I guess I was too nervous up until now, hehe" I rubbed the back of my neck. I don't really like to talking about this stuff, but Erin Madison said I needed to be more open to my friends, she always did tey to give me advice.

He pat my shoulder and smiled "Congrats man! I'm proud of you."
I felt my heart skip a beat. I really hope I wasnt blushing to hard...

We continued our small talk until we finally got to Fuzzy Friends where did out usual everyday tasks; Feed the animal, play with them, bathe them, clean up the fur all over the floors, stuff like that.

The pups were extra energetic today, so of course it took a lot longer for us to get everything cleaned up.

I grabbed the mop and started mopping all the dirt and mud off of the floor.

"Hey Max, did you give Penelope her stuffed carrot, you know she cant sleep without it!"

"I thought you did. Do you want me to give it to her?"

"Nah I already have it here"

"Then why'd you ask if I had it?"

"Eh, I dunno!"

He came jogging in the room with the stuffed Carrot. I didnt pay him to much attention until I heard a loud bang.


I wiped around and saw Brandon on the floor. I guess I forgot to put up the wet floor sign...

"Oh man I'm so sorry!"

Brandon layed on the floor and put it hand on his forehead dramatically "'s to late...I'm faiding fast..."

I held back a chuckle

Brandon continued "How could you BETRAY me like this..I..thought we were friends..."

I'm decided to play along "Rule one of the real world...NEVER trust ANYONE!!" I did the best Fake Maniacal Laugh as I could do.

"How COULD YOU?!? You're no friend of're a FOE. A DECEIVER!!"

I grabbed the mop again. "Well, you should have wondered who you trusted with the sacred amulet before you handed it to I will use it's power to rule the KINGDOM!!" I jabbed the the end of the mop into Brandon's armpit to make it look like I stabbed him. He let out a "cry in pain" before fake dying

But that dramatic ending didnt last long because we just burst into laughter 5 seconds later

"Ok but for real, lemme help you up..." I extended my hand still half laughing

💫Brandon's Little Secret💫(Dork Diaries) *COMPLETED*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang