Visit to the dark future

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It was a cold winter night. I was sleeping warm and cozy wrapped tight in the blanket though my sisters were still awake. I could feel that they were moving around the bedroom soundly, but this began to dissapear soon. Darkness was gently engulfing me in, I was sweating and had no idea of what was happening to me. Then, I felt my eyes slid open and found myself lying in a room drenched in darkness. I swallowed hard but to my relief I saw my sisters' shadows pass by. Assuming they were playing, I tried calling them but no!

I couldn't even open my mouth! What was wrong with me? I tried grabbing them but my hands won't move too!  Suddenly I felt my heart skip a beat. Am I somewhere where I think I am? No! It can't be. This thought was far too scary that I began shaking my body wildly but in vain. I was totally paralysed to bed. It was like as if my complete body was nailed to it with an invisible hand pressing my neck tight. The feeling of energy leaving my body embraced me and I couldn't even move my eyes to cry. Oh No! now i couldn't even breathe. I knew it, I was going to die for sure but I still tried hardest to speak desperate for life but then I felt my right hand raised up by an invisible force and I saw it! 

My fleshless, cold and bony hand was a skeleton!

And then before i could even let out a scream, I heard a deep voice that said "You cannot move, you can NEVER move! You are in your pit DEAD!!!"

"Bbbbbut how can i be dead? I saw my sisters playing beside my bed just about a minute ago," I managed to mumble horrified. My throat got stuck as i spoke. I no more cared for the fact that my mouth had finally allowed me to speak but THIS WAS WORSE THAN GOING TO DIE!! WAY WORSE! 

Hah Ha, he gave a screehing laugh and adressed himself angel of death. "That was hours ago you saw your sisters play but you did not realize," he coninued. You will never see any of your family ever again. NEVER. Hah ha ha hah. 

I forced my eyes open when it was almost morning and found myself in my bedroom, breathing hard, my heart hammering hard against my chest. 

Huh! It was great to be ALIVE. Just GREAT! I couldn't believe it and will never forget it. 


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