~Role and slots~

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Manager (1/1) FULL!!
They are responsible for making sure the members are doing their task. They have the power to fire the members.

Ambassador (0/10)
They are the PROMOTERS. They are responsible for promoting, sharing and advertising this community and its books not only here on wattpad but also on Discord and other social medias.

Critics (0/5)
They are the REVIEWER. They are for anyone willing to review works or profile of people, you can review books, shops or profiles depending on what you want to review. You choose your own payments.

Talk Show Host (0/3)
They are the INTERVIEWERS. They are willing to interview people, by interviewing Authors, writers, Community and Graphics designers. You are required to ask questions like how they grew, tips, suggestions etc. You also interview the winners of the awards, wars or contest in in this community.

Originals (0/8)
They are the HEAD JUDGES. They judge after the judges has brought their results for the awards hosted by the community

Artist (1/6)
They are the GRAPHIC DESIGNERS. They are those who make graphics for the community's graphics shop and community books from cover to banners to aesthetic to even trailers, all kind of graphics are accepted. You pick your own payments and can apply to be a graphics teacher in the community's graphics school.

Columnist (0/8)
They are the WRITERS. They are willing to write for the weekly magazine and other books for the community, it might be a group work sometimes.

Proofreaders (0/5)
They are the EDITORS. They read people work and correct any mistakes like grammatical errors, lack of punctuation marks and poor sentence formation etc. You get to choose your own payments and maximum number of clients.

Members (no limits)
You don't sit doing nothing, you get to participate in any of the community books you like. You can participate in the book clubs, awards, graphics contest, writing contest, graphics war and lots more writing by this community. You can also contribute by writing articles for the weekly magazine.

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