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Hey Dear Wattpaders,

Welcome to The Emerald Community (TEC)

If you're are looking for a new friend or a chance to enhance your skill,  you have come to the right place!

Founded by jannie_rocks, that's right a new community is founded! And open to all.

We've been established recently and we want to help undiscovered writers, so many authors and writers have little or no attention in their books which makes them lose interest in them over time. Here we are!! At this community we help authors and writers with our services to make they work better and help them to reach that moment of fame. It's not only for undiscovered writers but also to help people develop as writers and reach their highest potential.

What are you waiting for? Join the community...

We are honoured to have you as a part of our family

Welcome to The Emerald Community

The Emerald CommunityWhere stories live. Discover now