2 - I don't think we're in Midgar anymore...

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A short while before Cloud stumbled into the world of Fairy Tail...

"Hey, Lucy! Speed up would ya."

"Why don't you slow down!"

A built male with bright pink hair ran down the streets of Hargeon, a peaceful town by the coast, while a blonde-haired girl chased after him. The male's name was Natsu Dragneel, and he was a member of the prestigious wizarding guild of Magnolia known as Fairy Tail. Lucy Heartfillia, a celestial wizard with big dreams, was following Natsu to her dream guild. But just when she was about to catch up to Natsu, who was travelling with what seemed to be a flying blue cat, a bright light appeared in front of her. Lucy covered her eyes before being knocked onto the ground by the figure that shot out of the light.

"Owie!" yelled Lucy.

"Lucy! You alright?" asked Natsu, as he ran back to her.

Lucy rubbed her head before shoving the figure off of her. Lucy noticed that it was a male in black clothing that had landed on her. The expression of confusion and the countless bruises and cuts on his body confused her.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked Lucy.

"Where am I...?"

"Who's this guy?" asked Natsu, the cat hovering behind him.

"I dunno, but he looks pretty beat up..."

The man tried to get up, but he was too weak to support his weight and fell right back onto the ground. Lucy helped him up and gestured to Natsu to help her. The two wizards helped the man walk and brought him to where they were headed, the Fairy Tail guild hall. Natsu kicked open the doors and every member stared at the two new faces he had with him.

"Hey, Gramps! We need some help over here!" bellowed Natsu.


Cloud slowly opened his eyes, unaware of what had happened after he fell off that bridge. It took him a second, but he soon realised he was in a room he had never seen before. It was nothing like the slums of Midgar he had grown up in. It was so different he was able to immediately deduce he wasn't even in Midgar. After gathering his bearings, Cloud noticed he was covered in bandages. He looked out the window to his right and noticed blue skies and lots of buildings made of materials he had never seen before. Cloud turned his attention to the door that was opening on the opposite side of the room. A woman with straight snow-white hair walked into the room. She noticed Cloud had gotten up and called out to whoever was in the other room. A few people entered the room; they were all relieved to see that he was okay as if they were long term friends or something like that.

"Good to see you've finally woken up." said a deep, calming voice.

Cloud looked down and saw a short old man with white hair around the sides of his head and under his nose. Behind him were several other people, all concerned for someone they had never met.

"Sorry, but... where am I?" asked Cloud.

"You're in the city of Magnolia. Inside the Fairy Tail guild hall." said the old man.

"Magnolia? Fairy Tail? I've never heard of either of them..."

Everyone in the room had a different expression like Cloud had said something bizarre.

"Allow me to introduce myself," said the old man, "My name is Makarov, and I am the master of this guild. You are?"


"That's a strange name," blurted the pink-haired male, "You come from the sky or something?"

"Natsu! Don't be so rude!" said Lucy

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