Chapter Eight

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It turns out David was at a party a couple of blocks down and was able to get to me in record time. We’ve been driving around my parent’s neighborhood for half an hour looking for the twins. The weather is only getting worse and it’s starting to rain.

“Fûck!” I yell, hitting the middle console of Dave’s SUV, “What if we don’t find them Dave? What am I going to do? Oh God, I’ll never forgive myself if anything happens to them!”

My tears start to fall before I can stop them. I turn towards the window to avoid being seen but he would have to be blind not to see the sobs that wrack my body. I feel the car jerk to a stop and hear David’s seatbelt come undone.

“What are you doing? Keep going! It’s getting colder and rainier out here David!”

“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice much too calm for my liking.

“I’m just fûcking peachy! My children ran away after hearing the murky details of my fucked up marriage and I can’t find them out in this fûcking storm! They’re probably going to freeze to death! I’m a terrible mother for being out partying while they were missing for God knows how long!” my voice dies out with the roar of thunder outside.

“You’re not a terrible mother Aria. You didn’t know what was going to happen tonight, stop blaming yourself,” he replies, rubbing my back soothingly as I cry.  

“How are you so calm?” I ask, tears still heavy in my voice.

“I know everything is going to be alright. I can feel it. I’ve been going to church like my therapist suggested and it’s helping me to be more positive. Things may look bleak right now but they’ll work out Ari, they have to,” he says the last part with resolve and lurches the car forward.

After another ten minutes of looking I don’t think my eyes can produce anymore tears. I resign to call the police and report my babies missing. Just as I pick up my phone it lights up.


“We found them Pumpkin! They’ve been back at the house the entire time. We walked in to get replacement batteries for the flashlights and there they were in the kitchen making hot coco,” he laughs, I can almost hear him shaking his head.

My entire body releases the tension it was holding onto so tightly at his words.

“Put them on the phone.”

“Hi Mommy! We played a good trick on grandma and grandpop tonight didn’t we?” they giggle into the phone, speaking one after the other.

I smile sardonically, “You sure did and when I come to pick you up I’m going to play one on the both of you called ass whooping. Don’t you EVER in your lives do something like that again! You scared me and your father half to death! We’ve been driving around for hours looking for the two of you! I’m so disappointed in you. Give your grandfather the phone.”

“Whatever you said has got them scared to death Pumpkin,” my dad laughs.

“Good,” I retort, “I’ll be by to pick them up tomorrow evening, I want to let their little butts sweat a little.”

He laughs and agrees before telling me he loves me and hanging up.

Dave pulls into a dead end and stops the car, turning to me, “Where were they?”

I shake my head and pull the bobby pins from my hair, the style ruined from running my hands through it anxiously, “Back at my parents’, playing a trick on them they said.”

He laughs and runs a hand through his beard, “They sound like Dan and I back when we were their age.”

We spend the next thirty minutes laughing and talking about the horrible tricks he and Dan used to play on everyone to the soundtrack of thunder and rain outside of the car. The wind howls through the dead end space but the rain continues to pour down in buckets creating a full barrier against the windows, so much for driving home.

“Thanks for coming to get me and driving me around. I really appreciate it,” I say, giving him a sweet smile. I mean every word. He was the only one who came through for me tonight when I really needed it and I appreciate him for it.

“They’re my kids too Aria,” he replies with a slight laugh, “I know I didn’t act like it for the first chunk of their lives but I’m going to spend the rest of my life making that up to them…and you, if you’d let me.”

His last words shouldn’t catch me off guard but they do. What gets me even more off balanced is when he reaches for my hand and kisses my palm. A sweet, gentle kiss, one with no strings attached but I want more.

“You wore the bracelet I got you,” he smiles and plays with the jewelry on my wrist before placing feather kisses along my wrist.

My skin heats at every touch and I can’t stop my sharp intake of breath. His eyes flicker up to mine and in an instant I know I’ll regret this later but now just isn’t the time.

Our lips slam into each other and move vigorously together in a tango we used to know so well. His tongue rubs along my bottom lip and I immediately offer him entrance, afraid to prolong it for fear of coming to my senses. Before I can think I’m being hoisted over the middle console and sat straddled across his lap. I can already feel him hardening against my lacy boyshort panties, a poor barrier for the heat between us.

“Oh God,” I moan as he kisses my neck in just the right spot causing me to grind my hips into him.

A deep groan comes from his chest as I move, feeling him fully stiffen beneath me. Saying things out of anger can cause you to lie and I lied terribly when I talked down about his size. Feeling him fully hard between my legs my mind drifts back to how fantastic he used to make me feel with that third leg of his and my panties get even wetter.

“Are you sure-” he begins to ask but I cut him off with a finger to his lips.

“Shut up and fûck me David, just how you used to,” I breathe, unbuckling his belt and freeing the monster inside his pants.

Renewed determination in his eyes, he lifts me, pulling my panties to the side and plunging into me all at once. I cry out at the force that knocks me into memories of moments just like this. I was years younger and so was he in the driver’s seat of his convertible making rough passionate love to each other until we saw stars.

“Harder Dave…please,” my voice consists of only moans as he slams into me with everything he has.

He grabs my hands and pulls them together behind me, fully taking control of my body. I feel his hand grip my shoulder from behind while the other presses into the exposed skin on my back.

Pulling me down onto his erection I can feel every inch of him fill me, making me throw my head back and let out a rough scream.

“I’m almost there! Oh God! Dave!” I shout his name over and over again as we climax together.

The crackle and boom of fireworks surround us almost immediately making us both jump.

He looks up at me with a smirk, his brow slick with sweat, “Happy New Year Ari.”   ************


*grins cheekily*


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