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We got to the camp and my tears had dried and I even felt a little numb.

"Here we are, let's go Olivia" mom began and got out of the car. I grabbed my bag and phone and got out.

"Hello, welcome to the St Jonathan's detention camp. You will enjoy yourself here I promise" a worker approached us. "I am Joey Bustler but you can call me Jo"

"Hi, I'm Olivia Cooper but you can call me prisoner number 2603" I said my voice dripping with sarcasm, as it will for a while. "Oh we've got a funny one here, we don't we go to my office and continue speaking there" he laughed and walked away and we followed.

We got to his office and we sat down, he asked many questions and I answered sarcastically, Jughead taught me well.

"Thank you Mr and Mrs Cooper, I can take it from here. You may say your goodbyes or see-you-laters."

"We're sorry baby, but it's for your own good" mom tried to convince me. "That's what you said to Polly when you sent her to the sisters of quiet mercy because she was pregnant!" I snapped. "You know what? Just go, it's not like you'll miss me anyways"

The kissed the top of my head and left.

"Okay, now I'm going to ask the same questions again, I was you to be honest okay?" Jo said. "Fine"

"Why did your parents send you here?"

"Because they think I'm a liar, a cruel person"
"Are you"
"No, it's my sister that should be here, she's done horrible things and made it look like I've done them."

"Who would you like us to allow to visit you?"

"The people I said before; Archie Andrews, Veronica Lodge, Cheryl Blossom, Jughead Jones and their parents. Oh and Toni Topaz, Fangs Fogerty and a kid called SweetPea, I have pictures on my phone of them" i explained.

"You don't want your parents to see you?" He asked. "Nope, they put me in here, why would I allow them to attempt to wriggle their way to forgiveness?"

"Okay let's see these photos, so we know who we look for."

I took my phone from my pocket and opened my phots app.

"This is Archie, and there's Veronica" I pointed to the people on the screen. "Who's this?" He asked pointing to Betty. "My twin sister, she's the one who got me here" I explained.

I swiped a little showing a photo of me Fangs and SweetPea sticking out our tongues with sunglasses on. "This is SweetPea and thats  Fangs" I began to tear up a little. "This is Toni and Cheryl" I said as I swiped right. "And here's..." I sighed. "Jughead."

I swiped through many pictures I had with him and began to cry. "Sorry" I apologised. "I just, wish i wasn't here." I laughed weakly.

"It's okay, visiting hours are from 12:30pm to 5pm, lights out at 10pm and phone time is from 7am to 6pm" he explained standing up.

Jo showed me to my room, which I shared with another girl, she had tanned skin like she lived in the sun, bright blue hair and blue eyes and she was a little taller than me.

"Hi, I'm Talia." She introduced herself. I got to know her, she was a nice person, she showed me around, told me who to avoid and who to be friends with.

It came to 10pm, lights out, I changed into pjs and lay on my bed. "Night roomie" she smiled. "Night roomie" I sadly laughed.

I fell asleep thinking about what the others might be doing.


I'd been in the detention centre for 4 months now, Talia and I were "besties" and I'd changed a lot!

the wrong Cooper ~ Jughead Jones ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now