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I WOULD NEVER admit it to Miles, but I was grateful that he agreed to investigate Blackout with me. He was the last person I wanted to be in this situation with and I knew he felt the same way. And yet, he said yes. I got Miles Tennant, who was strictly by-the-book, to take a risk. But in the end, this case was bigger than both of us.

It also meant my trip to London wasn't a total waste.

However, now that I was working with Miles, it meant we'd have to see a lot more of each other. Another thing neither of us were thrilled about.

Three rapid knocks at my door indicated that Miles had arrived.

Speak of the devil...

I opened the door to see Miles leaning against the frame with a stupid grin on his face. Even though it was nearly 10 at night, Miles was still wearing his work attire: a wrinkled button-down with the first few buttons undone and a loosened black tie. His sleeves had been rolled up to his forearms, his coat draped across one arm. It irked me how put-together he looked despite being the complete opposite.

When I'd found him yesterday, I didn't expect him to be just as good-looking as he was all those years ago. Maybe convincing myself he'd become ugly and unsuccessful made me feel better about the whole situation. But no. He still had that clever smile and beautiful eyes that could make me lose my train of thought.

Wordlessly, I allowed Miles entrance and he swaggered into the room, tossing his coat onto my bed. He shoved his hands into his pockets, looking at everything but me.

"Lovely place you've got here," he commented.

"I guess."

Miles walked up to the window, peeking out of the curtains. "Did you know the bloke in the room next to you brought a cat? Most hostels don't allow pets, but I could have sworn there was something moving in his bag. I hope you're not allergic."

"No," I replied. "But I am allergic to meaningless conversations."

Miles clutched his chest. "Ouch. And here I thought you were trying to make amends for past mistakes."

I rolled my eyes. That was a problem for another day. Not that I intended to ever solve it. "We have work to do."

Miles was tracing the design on the corner of the bed sheets. "Is your bed comfortable?"

I blinked. "How is that relevant?"

Miles's response was to launch himself onto the bed. My bed. He didn't even bother to take his shoes off as he settled into the mountain of pillows. "The answer is yes," he said with a wild grin. "Yes it is."

I clenched my fists at my sides. He'd only been here a minute and I was already infuriated. Calm down, I thought to myself, but the opposite sentiment was repeating itself in my mind. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea.

"I was thinking we could start working on—"

"Some ground rules?" Miles interrupted with the snap of his fingers. "I agree."

"Rules?" I repeated. "We're not kids, Miles." Well, maybe one of us was.

"On the contrary." I really wished I could wipe that smile off his face. "Rules are what keep us from acting like children. First rule: you can't come to MI6 unannounced. Though I mourn every moment you are not around, I will not have you ruining the job I do have."

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