The No. 1 Reactor

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Author's Note:

Hey! This story follows the events of the game, so it's kinda like a retelling! I used some websites and playthroughs on Youtube to help me write this! I really hope you get the chance to play this awesome game! 

The train stopped moving abruptly. Everyone’s tension seemed to be running high; I opened my eyes slowly and glared out at everyone. The only reason I’m here is for the money. Being a mercenary for seven years had its perks. One of them was money… and the ability to go where you please.

               I watch as two people from the team, Biggs and Jessie, leap off of the train and take out two guards. The larger man, Barret, with dark skin and a gun-arm turns towards me. I don’t know what I did to him, but he always glared. In all honesty, I didn’t care. An indignant snort came from Barret as he leaped off of the train. Taking that as my cue, I followed suit. My feet hit the station for Sector 8. I take my precious time pushing myself up, knowing the longer I took, the more irritated Barret would become.

               “Come on, newcomer; follow me.” Barret ran ahead of me. Rolling my eyes I ran after him. Two guards stepped into my path. They seemed as surprised as I was. Both men fumble around with their weapons. These two must have been new recruits.

               “S-s-stay where you are!” the first one stuttered and glanced over at his comrade.

               “Are you with the rebel group AVALANCHE?” the second man readied his gun. I smirked and stepped forward, initiating a challenge.

               “I might be, but you won’t be here long enough to know.” I swung the Buster Sword at both men. The two guards panicked and tried to duck, but both were to slow. They fell where they once stood. Two figures slumped together in the lamplight.

               Shinra’s lap dogs.

               I snarled in disgust. I can’t believe I worked with these people. Them and their dumb orders to slowly deprive people of what they have. To soil the earth with their tainted machinery; they didn’t deserve to live. I began running once again till I came to the reactor complex where Biggs, Jessie, and Wedge were gathered. Wedge’s eyes glanced around with his body language saying he was ready for a fight. Biggs moaned and rubbed his stomach, probably wishing he had brought a snack of some sort. My gaze finally traveled over to Jessie. Her finger’s tapped the screen in front of her in a quick succession.

               “Wow! So you used to be in SOLDIER, right?” he smiled. “It’s not every day you find someone like you in a group like us! AVALANCHE, that is.” Jessie stopped her work and glanced back at us.

               “SOLDIER? Wait….. aren’t they- aren’t you- the enemy here?” Jessie narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “What’s he doing in AVALANCHE?” her voice dripped with venom.

               “Hold it, Jessie! He WAS one of them, but now he’s one of us!” Biggs smiled in pride. His face fell into one of concentration shortly afterwards. “I don’t think I caught your name…”

               “… Cloud.” I muttered. Biggs stopped his nervous fidgeting.

               “Cloud, eh? Well I’m-“

               “Look, I don’t care what your names are. As soon as this job is over and I get my Gil, I’m outta here.” I snapped. Couldn’t these idiots take a hint? I didn’t have time for them. All I want is my Gil. The group’s face fell at my words and they all continued their activities. His face was contorted into a mix of anger and exasperation.

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