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The smell of our fish and chips lunches fill my nose,causing my eyes to flutter from the delightful smell.

I pay for my lunch as the lunch lady flashes me a smile.I walk over into the middle of the room looking around to find one single seat to sit in.My eyes land on a open seat next to the schools number one hottie.

I breathe in and slowly walk over to where him and his friends sat.

When I reached the table I get weird looks from all the boys.I sit down and exit myself out from the table."Are you going to talk ? If you sit at this table you have to talk."I look up from my food and see those hazel eyes and white smile.

"Umm I hi." I say blushing.I look up to his face and he just chuckles at my previous comment.

"So what's your name." Now looking up to a pair of blue eyes.

"Amber,Amber Brown." I say looking down at my hands."oh well I'm Luke,these two are Michael and Calum,and you are sitting next to Ashton."Luke explains.I catch Ashton looking at me and he smiles.

"Nice to meet you guys."
"DING." The bell rings signaling lunch was over."Well bye guys."Ashton says jumping up and rushes out of the lunchroom.

4th Period
I look on my schedule and see that I have Gym.Which I have no idea where is !
"I'm so sorry." I say bumping into Luke."its ok where are you going you seem lost."

"Gym."I scowled.As you can see it's not my favorite subject or whatever it is.

"Cool me too you can come with me and ashton here."he points to his side at the sight of ashton.I nod and follow behind them.

We walk into the Gym and get stares from everyone.I hug my binder into my chest in nervousness.

"YOUR LATE!" I hear an angry male voice yell we turn and are greeted by what I would think Is our gym teacher.

Uh oh.

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