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        Mietus, The God of Destruction and Hate, brother of the Greek Gods Zeus, Poseidon, Hades,and Ares. Banished to the soils of purgatory for all eternity, to pay for his sins. His power lay grasping desperately at  damaged human hearts, leading the self righteous to insanity. He had been tormented for thousands of years, waiting for his power to become strong enough for him to surface again. His powers remained dormant as he watched humans turn against each other, fighting  tooth and nail against love; grasping for hate. Even from his burning pit of hell he could feel everything good seep from the earth. The damage he caused pleased him, but left his four brothers who damned him to life below hell in distress.

        Now he stares at the guards blocking the only exit from the damp, musty cell he is in. With his brothers deceased he now has the opening he has waited millennias for; loss of protection over the rueful soil trapping him beneath life.The pathetic old man and inexperienced boy set to prevent his capture, have long been bored with the same routine,now they slouch against the clamby walls. Their minds reel around the thought of dainty steel drunkenly guarding Hate himself, the thought that objects could trap a God was timeless and humorous. Even the fact that beyond the flimsy gating stood more useless people just waiting to be killed by the most powerful god himself. Mietus sat calmly, watching the men fiddle nervously with their staffs he laughed to himself.

        “Don’t make a sound you damn bastard!” The old man, Mietus didn’t care enough to find out his name, barked, causing the boy to stiffen.

        “Shut your pasty ass, mortal.” Mietus hissed, standing from his icy corner in the stone cell.Both of the petty ‘babysitter’s’ eyes widened and they steadied their weapons.Mietus cackled, plodding over to the crooked steel bars. With the touch of his hand the iron jail crumbled around him.The man stood with his lips quivering, the boy had run scared leaving a trail of fresh piss in his place. It took a record time of two minutes for Mietus to make it into the upperworld, what he saw was a corrupt world ready for his rule.He hid himself in the ruins of hell as he readied the earth for his return to power; taking his mighty fists he pounded upon the graveled sands of his Abyss.

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