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Unknown POV

"Vrillyn! Vrillyn, come quick!"

The sound of my sister's voice made my ears flatten against my head as I tried to work on getting these herbal compounds put together. Aaranea had always been the louder, more rambuctious sibling so it was no surprise when she mated into one of the warrior families of the tribe. Her dark orange fur and black stripes were nearly identicle to mine. We even shared the same eye color. Yet what set us apart were our personalities. Where Aaranea was a loud, out-spoken female who loved to flaunt her good looks and many, many talents, I was the quiet, anti-social healer with a sharp tongue and no room for stupid felines.

"Vrillyn!" Her voice called with a childish whine to it and I set my tools down. Pulling back my shoulders and dusting the powder off of my hands, I turned away from the work station and exited the small hut which Vri and myself called our home.

"What is it this time Aaranea?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at my slightly shorter, identicle sister. Aaranea was wearing long, silver pants and she had two silver cuffs on both wrists. A peircing on her nose was new since I'd last seen her, but I didn't comment on it.

Standing in front of my hut, my sister had her left hand clutched around her warrior staff and her tail was stirring up the dust in the ground. Her bright blue eyes were wide and her whiskers were trembling. "You won't believe what Spritz and I found! We were sent to Pearl's Moon to bring back updates from that battle that happened there a year ago and . . ." She paused and in the distance, at the main body of the Acolbi tribe - my tribe - I could see an odd commotion in front of the leader's hut.

Brushing past my sister, I headed in that direction, but she grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "Vrillyn," Aaranea said, her voice suddenly serious. I turned on her and narrowed my eyes down at her with a small growl. "He's really injured. Really bad. I don't know how he survived, but . . . "

"Wait," I stopped her, glancing back at the crowd. "He? You mean someone was up on that toxic moon for a whole year? And he's alive?"

Aaranea nodded and I pulled my hand from her grasp. If he was still alive, why was she wasting my time keeping me here when that poor soul should already be in my hut recieving medical attention. Ignoring my sister's calls for me to stop and wait, I sprinted to the crowd and shoved my way through. Up front, my apprentice, Vri was hunched over a body. Vri's black fur stood on end when he noticed my presence and he tried to block me from seeing the creature that was injured, but I was much taller than him and my blood ran cold at the sight of the thing.

Lying unconcious on the ground, the creature was covered in dust and ash. His crimson red fur was clumped with blood and scars covered both his animal body and sentient top-half. I knew what this creature was and if they thought I'd treat it, they were dead wrong. Pulling myself back from the thing, I snarled. "Take it away," I growled lowly, turning away from the crowd and making my way back to the hut. "I will not treat one of their kind no matter how injured it is. Vri, get your skinny ass up and leave the thing to the scavengers."

The black-furred male was soon following behind me, but I knew he was looking back at it. I could hear him open and close his mouth as if he wanted to say something. The crowd was quiet and I could see Aaranea staring at me in shock. How could she think I would help an Ekhad? How could she think I would save it? Snarling, I stalked back to my hut, Vri following me quietly. After what their kind did, I would never help one of them.


Vri's voice was soft and quiet, timid under my angry aura. His silvery-white eyes caught mine from the corners of my vision and I stopped, mere feet away from the hut. "Would you leave him to die if you knew who he was?"

I turned on Vri and grabbed his shoulder, my claws centimeters from tearing through his skin. "Who is he, Vri? Who in this whole galaxy is he? In this whole galaxy, there is not a single Ekhad that I could ever care about."

Vri's eyes were wide and fearful and he glanced back at the crowd that was still watching us. Meekly, my apprentice looked back up at me and for a moment I regretted snarling at him, but just a small moment until he said something that changed everything.

"Vrillyn, he said his name was Daues. Your Daeus."

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